Every junk dealer licenses under this chapter shall constantly maintain the licensed premises in a manner prescribed by this section as follows.
   (A)   Such premises shall, at all times, be maintained so as not to constitute a nuisance or a menace to the health of the community or of residents or a place for the breeding of rodents and vermin.
   (B)   No garbage or other organic waste, and no paper, rubbish, rags or other flammable articles or materials shall be stored in such premises.
   (C)   Whenever any motor vehicle shall be received in such premises as junk, all gasoline and oil shall be drained and removed therefrom.
   (D)   The manner of storage and arrangement of junk, and the drainage facilities of the premises shall be such as to prevent the accumulation of stagnant water upon the premises, and to facilitate access for firefighting purposes.
   (E)   All junk yards shall be fenced in by fences of a type approved by the Township Supervisors or a height not less than ten feet and be so constructed and erected as to hide and conceal the junk and operation of the yard from the view of the public, said fence shall be of such a type as to hide and conceal the junk and operations when constructed, and shall be maintained in such a manner as approved by the Supervisors in accordance with the intent of this chapter.
   (F)   All junk yards and fences shall be erected and established at a distance of not less than 100 feet from any township or state highway, and shall be not less than five feet from the boundary lines of the parcel of real estate upon which such yards are located, and shall be operated in such manner so as not to create any hazards or dangers to the abutting owners or to the traveling public using the township roads or state highways.
   (G)   All dismantling of motor vehicles or scrap metal shall be done in such a manner so as to eliminate or minimize as much as possible all dust, noxious fumes or noises which might in any manner disturb the peace and quiet of neighboring citizens and residents, and any burning shall be done as nearly as possible in the center of the premises.
   (H)   No junk shall be piled or stocked so as to defeat the purpose of requirement of the fence.
(Ord. 261, passed 8-7-1964) Penalty, see § 112.99