(A) One completed project request form shall be submitted for each project being recommended for the CIP.
(B) Departments are to prioritize their proposed projects and complete a project request form for each one. The project request form will be used as a tool to select projects for the draft CIP.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.14)
Department heads and elected officials shall submit any suggested projects to be included in the capital improvement plan to the Planning Committee, who shall develop a capital improvement plan that includes the following information on each project:
(A) Priority of need within the requesting department;
(B) Justification for priority ranking;
(C) Estimated year project to commence;
(D) Estimated year project should be completed;
(E) Total estimated acquisition or construction cost;
(F) Proposed method of financing acquisition or construction;
(G) Annual debt service requirements of the project;
(H) Estimated annual operating expenses after completion; and
(I) Method of financing operating expenses.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.15)
(A) The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the capital improvement plan prior to approving and then advancing the plan to the full Township Board.
(B) The Township Board may hold additional hearings on the capital improvement plan prior to final adoption.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.16)
Prior to beginning the development of the proposed township budget for the ensuing fiscal year, the Township Board shall adopt the capital improvement plan as recommended or following any alterations the Township Board deems advisable. All parties involved in the development of the proposed township budget shall address any implications of the capital improvement plan in the proposed budget.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.17)
The Township Board shall contract with a certified public accountant to bi-annually (every other year) audit the financial systems of the township. The audit contract may be for a period up to three years, but shall not exceed the current Board’s term of office.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.18)
(A) The Treasurer shall prepare a monthly financial report for the Board. The report will be current through the last day of the previous month, and shall be presented to the Board at its monthly meeting.
(B) The financial report for each fund will show the following information for revenues and expenditures:
(1) Account number;
(2) Description;
(3) Amended budget;
(4) Current period;
(5) Year to date; and
(6) Budget balance.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.20)
The Treasurer shall provide the Township Board with a monthly summary report of cash activity by fund and a summary report of cash activity by bank account, certificate of deposit and investment account.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.23)