The site plan shall be reviewed and approved upon a finding that the following conditions are met.
   (A)   The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood.
   (B)   There is a proper relationship between major thoroughfares and proposed service drives, driveways and parking areas and provisions have been made for acceleration, deceleration and passing lanes or approaches so as to preserve the safety and convenience of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
   (C)   The location of buildings, outside storage receptacles, parking areas, screen walls and utility areas is such that the adverse effects of such uses will be minimized for the occupants of that use and surrounding areas.
   (D)   It provides for proper development of roads, easements and public utilities and protects the general health, safety, welfare and character of the township.
   (E)   It meets the requirements and standards for grading and surface drainage and for the design and construction of storm sewers, storm water facilities, parking lots, driveways, water mains, sanitary sewers and for acceleration, deceleration and passing lanes or approaches as determined by the Township Engineers.
   (F)   Proper access to all portions of the site and all sides of any structure is provided. All structures or groups of structures shall be so arranged as to permit emergency vehicle access by some practical means to all sides. Site features such as, but not limited to, trees and other plant materials, fences, retaining walls, berms, outdoor furniture, outdoor structures and natural and artificial water bodies shall be arranged to permit adequate emergency vehicle access.
   (G)   Natural resources will be preserved to the maximum extent possible in the site design by developing in a manner which will not detrimentally affect or destroy natural features such as lakes, ponds, streams, wetlands, steep slopes, groundwater and woodlands.
   (H)   The proposed development respects the natural topography to the maximum extent possible by minimizing the amount of cutting, filling and grading required.
   (I)   The proposed development will not cause soil erosion or sedimentation.
   (J)   Storm water management systems and facilities will preserve the natural drainage characteristics and enhance the aesthetics of the site to the maximum extent possible, and will not substantially reduce or increase the natural retention or storage capacity of any wetland, water body or watercourse, or cause alterations which could increase flooding or water pollution on or off site.
   (K)   Wastewater treatment systems, including on-site septic systems will be located and designed to minimize any potential degradation of surface water or groundwater quality.
   (L)   Sites which include storage of hazardous materials or waste, fuels, salt or chemicals will be designed to prevent spills and discharges of polluting materials to the surface of the ground, groundwater or nearby water bodies.
   (M)   The location of buildings, parking, drives, landscaping and other improvements on the site is appropriate and consistent with good design standards for the lot size shape and general location.
   (N)   Landscaping, including grass, trees, shrubs and other vegetation, is provided to maintain and improve the aesthetic quality of the site and area.
   (O)   The proposed use is in compliance with all township ordinances and any other applicable laws.
(Ord. 1, passed 11-13-2000, § 6.5)