(A)   Statement of purpose.
      (1)   The intent of this section is to permit industrial uses to locate in desirable areas of the township, which uses are primarily of a manufacturing, assembling and fabricating character, including large scale or specialized industrial operations requiring good access by road and/or railroad, and needing special sites or public and utility services.
      (2)   Reasonable regulations apply to users in this district so as to permit the location of industries which will not cause adverse effects on residential and commercial areas in the township.
   (B)   Permitted principal uses. The following provisions apply in the I, Industrial District. Any uses not expressly permitted are prohibited:
      (1)   Accessory uses and buildings customarily incidental to the above permitted principal uses;
      (2)   Ambulance stations;
      (3)   Fire and police stations;
      (4)   Industrial establishments:
         (a)   The assembly, fabrication, manufacture, packaging or treatment of such products as agricultural products; biological products; food products (excluding butchering, animal slaughtering); candy; cosmetics and toiletries; drugs; electrical components, instruments, supplies and appliances; musical instruments; novelties; optical goods; toys; radio and phonographs; pottery and figurines or other ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay; and sporting goods;
         (b)   The assembly, fabrication, manufacture or treatment of such products from the following previously prepared materials; bone, canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, felt, fiber, glass, horn, leather, paper, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals or stones, sheet metal (excluding large stampings such as automobile fenders or bodies), shell, textiles, wax, wire, wood (excluding saw and planning mills) and yards;
         (c)   Tool and die shops; metal working machine shops, involving the use of grinding or cutting tools; manufacturing of tools, dies, jigs, and fixtures; publishing, printing or forming of box, carton and cardboard products;
         (d)   Laboratories, research or testing; and
         (e)   Central dry cleaning plants and laundries.
      (5)   Monument sales and yards;
      (6)   Public utility uses: electric transformer station and sub-station; electric transmission towers; municipal buildings and uses; gas regulator; and municipal utility pumping stations;
      (7)   Radio, television broadcasting stations and transmitting and receiving towers;
      (8)   Retail and service establishments:
         (a)   Eating and drinking establishments when food or beverage is consumed within a completely enclosed building. Establishments with a character of a drive-in or open front store are prohibited;
         (b)   Truck tractor and trailer sales, rental and repair;
         (c)   Dog kennels; and
         (d)   Automobile service stations.
      (9)   Transmission and distribution lines, pipelines, structures of public utility companies;
      (10)   Vehicle service and repair (exempt bumping and painting);
      (11)   Warehousing and material distribution centers; and
      (12)   Wholesale and warehousing. The sale at wholesale or warehousing of automotive equipment; dry goods and apparel; groceries and related products; raw farm products except livestock; electrical goods; hardware, plumbing, heating equipment and supplies; machinery and equipment, petroleum bulk stations and terminals; tobacco and tobacco products; beer, wine and distilled alcoholic beverages; paper and paper products; furniture and home furnishings, and any commodity the manufacture of which is permitted in this district; truck terminals.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following special land uses shall be permitted subject to the standards hereinafter imposed and § 154.045:
      (1)   Industrial establishments:
         (a)   The assembly and/or manufacture of automobiles, automobile bodies, parts and accessories; cigars and cigarettes; and treatment and/or manufacture of chemicals;
         (b)   Breweries, distilleries, machine shops, metal buffing, plastering and polishing shops, millwork lumber and planning mills, painting and sheet metal shops, undercoating and rustproofing shops and welding shops; and
         (c)   Automobile bump and/or paint shops, tire vulcanizing and recapping shops.
      (2)   Open storage yards of construction contractors’ equipment and supplies, building materials, sand, gravel or lumber:
         (a)   Such uses shall be located at least 200 feet from any residential district;
         (b)   A fence, tarpaulin or obscuring wall of no less than five feet shall be required around the stored material if it is deemed essential to prevent loose materials from blowing into adjacent properties; and
         (c)   No required yard spaces shall be used for the storage of equipment or material.
      (3)   Junk yards, subject to any federal, state, county or township regulations;
      (4)   Bulk storage of refined petroleum products, liquids and gases located above or below ground; and
      (5)   Collection center for household waste material to be recycled.
   (D)   Industrial performance standards. In accordance with § 154.043.
   (E)   Area, height, bulk and placement requirements. Area, height, bulk and placement requirements unless otherwise specified as are provided in § 154.044.
(Ord. 1, passed 11-13-2000, § 3.8)