Any monument, marker, planting, trellis, personal item, urn, flowers or foliage, whether real or artificial, structure, flag (except for lawful veterans flags) or other item that has been placed, installed, left or maintained in any township cemetery in violation of the chapter, any township rule or regulation regarding township cemeteries, or any county, state or federal law, statute or regulation may be removed by the township from the township cemetery at any time and destroyed or disposed of by the township without prior notice to, permission from or liability or obligation to the person or persons who left, installed, maintained or kept such item in the township cemetery. No such item (including, but not limited to, a monument, marker, planting, trellis, personal item, urn, flowers, mulch or foliage, structure, flag or similar item) can be installed, placed, maintained or kept in a township cemetery unless expressly authorized by this chapter or a written rule or policy of the township. Even if such an item is authorized to be installed, kept, maintained or left in a township cemetery, the township shall still have the discretion to remove any such item at any time and dispose of the same without prior notice to, consent from or liability to the person or persons who installed, maintained or left such item in a township cemetery.
(Ord. 21, passed 7-13-2015)