   An official or employee shall not use township facilities, property or equipment including, but not limited to, township mail, township websites, bulletin boards, offices, cellular or other phones, computers, e-mail, wired or wireless networks or the internet, for the following prohibited uses:
   (A)   Visiting pornographic sites, or acquiring, possessing or transmitting pornographic, obscene or sexually harassing material;
   (B)   Knowingly creating, transmitting, retrieving, circulating, publishing or storing any communication that is:
      (1)   Discriminatory, harassing or offensive. Offensive messages include any messages that contain sexual implications, racial slurs, gender-specific derogatory or demeaning comments or other comments that offensively address race, age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, height, weight, marital status or disability. Any unprofessional or harassing comments, regardless of whether they are covered by legally protected classifications, are prohibited;
      (2)   Derogatory to any individual or group;
      (3)   Obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic;
      (4)   Defamatory or threatening;
      (5)   In violation of any license governing the use of software; and
      (6)   Engaged in for any purpose that is illegal or contrary to the township’s policy or public interests.
   (C)   Violating copyright;
   (D)   Unlawfully soliciting or promoting commercial ventures, religious or political causes, or outside organizations;
   (E)   Transmitting information to individuals who are not authorized to receive it;
   (F)   Engaging in dialogue about confidential, proprietary or non-public information involving the township or any employee, citizen or vendor;
   (G)   Except in cases in which the Township Board has granted explicit authorization, employees are prohibited from engaging in, or attempting to engage in:
      (1)   Monitoring or intercepting the files or electronic communications of other employees or third parties;
      (2)   Hacking or obtaining access to systems or accounts they are not authorized to use;
      (3)   Using other people’s log-ins or passwords; and
      (4)   Breaching, testing or monitoring computer or network security measures absent a specific Board mandate to do so.
   (H)   Sending e-mail or other electronic communications that attempt to hide the identity of the sender or represent the sender as someone else; and
   (I)   Using electronic media and services in a manner that is likely to cause network congestion or significantly hamper the ability of other people to access and use the system.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.44)
§ 32.860  OBJECTIVE.
   (A)   The township strives to create and maintain a work environment in which people are treated with dignity, decency and respect. The environment of the township should be characterized by mutual trust and the absence of intimidation, oppression and exploitation. The township will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind. Through enforcement of this policy and by education of employees, the township will seek to prevent, correct and discipline behavior that violates this policy.
   (B)   All employees, regardless of their positions, are covered by and are expected to comply with this policy and to take appropriate measures to ensure that prohibited conduct does not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against any employee who violates this policy. Based on the seriousness of the offense, disciplinary action may include verbal or written reprimand, suspension or termination of employment; or, in the case of an elected official, official Board sanction or possible criminal prosecution.
   (C)   Managers and supervisors who knowingly allow or tolerate discrimination, harassment or retaliation, including the failure to immediately report such misconduct, are in violation of this policy and subject to discipline.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 9.1)
   The township, in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local anti-discrimination and harassment laws and regulations, enforces this policy in accordance with the following definitions and guidelines.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 9.2)