§ 32.756  VALUABLES.
   (A)   Township officials, appointees, employees, volunteers and consultants/contractors shall not keep money or other valuables in their desks or at their work stations.
   (B)   The township shall not be responsible for the loss of any personal property.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.15)
§ 32.757  SAFETY.
   (A)   All township facilities will be maintained for compliance with OSHA and liability insurance standards as they apply to fire hazards, flammable materials and other safety hazards as established by Board policy and procedures.
   (B)   No boxes, files and other items shall be stored in hallways, stairs and landings. Flammable liquids and power equipment shall not be stored in the township hall. Other flammable materials will not be stored in the building.
   (C)   In the event of a fire, all employees will immediately exit the building. All employees shall gather in the parking lot in front of the building for a head count.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.16)
   (A)   Township facilities that are open to public use shall be used only in compliance with township policies and procedures.
   (B)   The Township Board authorizes limited public access to and use of the following township facilities: main conference and meeting room.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.17)
   The Township Board reserves the right to refuse use of the facilities for cause.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.18)
   (A)   The Township Board reserves the right to establish a fee schedule and periodically adjust the fees as necessary for use of township facilities by Township Board resolution.
   (B)   The fee shall be paid at the time the reservation is made. In the case of a cancellation, the fee shall be returned.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.19)
§ 32.773  DAMAGES.
   (A)   A damage deposit shall be required whenever township facilities are rented to the public.
   (B)   No later than the day prior to the scheduled use, a township staff member and a representative of the renter shall complete an inventory form recording the current condition of the facility. The condition inventory shall be compared to the facility on the business day following the scheduled event. The deposit will be returned after the Supervisor determines that damage to the facility has not occurred.
   (C)   If damage to the facility has occurred, the township shall use the deposit to repair the damage. If damage has occurred, the renter shall be notified. The township shall repair the damage, and if damages exceed the deposit, an invoice covering the cost of the repairs shall be submitted to the renter for payment.
   (D)   Failure to reasonably clean the facility after use shall result in forfeiture of a portion of the damage deposit to pay for cleaning expenses.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.20)