Documents and files written or otherwise created by township officials, appointees, employees, volunteers and consultants/contractors in connection with performing their township duties, or for the township’s use, are the creative and intellectual property of the township.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.6)
(A) The Township Supervisor shall be responsible for monitoring the need for repairs and improvements to township property.
(B) The Supervisor shall use the township purchasing and bidding procedures for procuring the following services as applicable:
(1) Cleaning;
(2) Lawn maintenance;
(3) Snow removal;
(4) Fire extinguisher inspections;
(5) Non-emergency repairs to township buildings, land, equipment and vehicles; and
(6) Other as determined by the Township Board.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.7)
The Supervisor or Clerk is authorized to contract for emergency repairs up to a cost of $500 without prior Board approval, when a delay in initiating a repair will have a significant impact on township operations or finances.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 8.8)