   (A)   The Supervisor shall be the Public Information Officer for the township.
   (B)   (1)   The Public Information Officer shall be responsible for supervising the content disseminated as approved by the Township Board through the township newsletter, website, public service announcements and press releases on township government events, and responding to inquiries from the media or referring contact to other appropriate township officials.
      (2)   The Public Information Officer shall review the content of these materials for:
         (a)   Potential violations of the Campaign Finance Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 169.201 et seq.;
         (b)   Political preference or support;
         (c)   Promotion of private interests;
         (d)   Misrepresentation of Township Board actions or policy; and
         (e)   Statements that could expose the township to legal liability.
   (C)   The Public Information Officer is authorized to determine, in his or her sole discretion, whether such content will be removed or edited out, submitted to the township legal counsel for a further opinion, directed to the Township Board for a final determination, or returned to the author for revision.
   (D)   The Public Information Officer shall advise Township Board members and other appropriate staff of all press releases and other media contacts at the time of release.
   (E)   (1)   Township officials and employees will notify the Public Information Officer of all media contacts made in their township capacity.
      (2)   Other township employees and volunteers will notify the Public Information Officer prior to making any statements to the news media in their township capacity.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.1)
§ 32.650  PUBLIC NOTICE.
   Option A: one position/office is responsible for all notices of all township public bodies.
   (A)   The Clerk shall be responsible for giving public notice of all meetings of all public bodies of the township in conformance with the Open Meetings Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 15.261 et seq. and other state laws.
   (B)   The Chairperson of each public body shall notify the Township Clerk of that body’s regular meeting schedule within ten days after it is adopted, and of any special or rescheduled meeting at least 24 hours (at a minimum) prior to that meeting.
   (C)   The Clerk shall also be responsible for publishing and mailing all public notices required by state law. The Chairperson shall notify the Clerk when a public notice is required to be mailed or published with sufficient lead time for the notice to be provided in compliance with applicable laws.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.2)
§ 32.665  INCOMING MAIL.
   (A)   The Clerk and/or Treasurer shall receive all incoming mail, and shall open and date-stamp the letter or cover letter of all correspondence. Correspondence shall be sorted and distributed immediately to the various township offices. Mail addressed to the Township Board shall be forwarded to the Clerk, who shall provide a copy to each Board member.
   (B)   Correspondence addressed to the Board, but requiring action typically handled by a particular official (such as a Freedom of Information Act, being 5 U.S.C. § 552 request or subpoena), shall be immediately forwarded to that official, as well.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.3)
   The Township Board shall approve the design of all letterhead stationery. Statements made on township stationery may be construed as the official position of the township, so all officials, appointees and employees shall make written statements representing the township only within the scope of their authority when using township stationery.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.4)
   (A)   All correspondence should be considered a public document, unless the contents are specifically excluded from disclosure by state law. Copies of correspondence will be provided to any Board member or the public on request.
   (B)   Department heads shall provide the Township Board, via the Clerk, with a copy of all correspondence that addresses a citizen complaint or when the content may result in a lawsuit against the township. Where a department head is unsure of the necessity to provide the Board with a copy of correspondence, department heads should err on the side of caution.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.5)