§ 32.650  PUBLIC NOTICE.
   Option A: one position/office is responsible for all notices of all township public bodies.
   (A)   The Clerk shall be responsible for giving public notice of all meetings of all public bodies of the township in conformance with the Open Meetings Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 15.261 et seq. and other state laws.
   (B)   The Chairperson of each public body shall notify the Township Clerk of that body’s regular meeting schedule within ten days after it is adopted, and of any special or rescheduled meeting at least 24 hours (at a minimum) prior to that meeting.
   (C)   The Clerk shall also be responsible for publishing and mailing all public notices required by state law. The Chairperson shall notify the Clerk when a public notice is required to be mailed or published with sufficient lead time for the notice to be provided in compliance with applicable laws.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.2)