   (A)   Digital files and e-mail shall be retained according to the applicable record retention schedule for the type of record the digital file or e-mail represents.
   (B)   Individual employees or consultants are responsible for deleting digital files and e-mail messages in accordance with the appropriate record retention schedule. The Supervisor shall ensure that messages deleted in compliance with the appropriate record retention schedule are rendered unrecoverable within one week of deletion.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.19)
   The township shall retain its digital files and e-mail by (select from the following procedures, or other procedures as applicable to the township’s e-mail and technology systems):
   (A)   Storing e-mail online in the active e-mail system for its entire retention period. E-mail account holders are encouraged to establish folders for arranging e-mail according to their content, and they are responsible for disposing of e-mail that has met all of its retention requirements; and
   (B)   Storing digital files or e-mail on hard drives or peripheral drives (information technology staff or other township designees must specify which drive to use; shared servers are recommended). E-mail account holders are encouraged to establish folders for arranging digital files or e-mail according to their content, and they are responsible for disposing of digital files or e-mail that has met all of its retention requirements.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.20)
   (A)   Township officials, appointees, employees, volunteers, consultants/contractors and departments shall organize records to promote fast and efficient retrieval of information. Appropriate and cost-effective office equipment, indexes and tools shall be used to maintain records.
   (B)   The Township Clerk shall periodically evaluate and make recommendations to the Township Board on the method(s) to be used to maintain and store records for their minimum retention periods. Records that will be retained for more than ten years shall be stored in an environment that facilitates the security and stability of the storage media. The township may utilize low-cost storage facilities for inactive records that have not fulfilled their retention requirements.
   (C)   The Clerk shall work in conjunction with the IT personnel to determine the most cost-effective and reliable method of maintaining digital and electronic records for their full retention period, so technology changes do not render them inaccessible and unusable.
   (D)   When reproducing township records for storage purposes, the township shall comply with the applicable state standards and best practices for record reproduction, as authorized by the Records Reproduction Act, M.C.L.A. §§ 24.401 et seq.
   (E)   Records containing sensitive or confidential information shall be protected against unauthorized access, especially records that are protected by state or federal laws, records containing private information, financial information, background checks, medical information and Social Security numbers. Individuals and offices shall employ appropriate locks, passwords and other devices to protect the privacy of this information.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.21)
   (A)   Public records that have reached their minimum retention period, and which are no longer required for the efficient operation of the township, may be disposed of. All township offices shall routinely review all records (regardless of format) to identify those that have fulfilled their retention requirements.
   (B)   Disposal shall be made by a method that is guaranteed to ensure the privacy of sensitive or confidential information. Records that contain confidential information will be disposed of in a manner that ensures they cannot be reconstructed.
      (1)   The township shall destroy sensitive or confidential information by contracting with a shredding service for this purpose. The contractor will be required to provide written verification that the documents have been irretrievably destroyed.
      (2)   The township shall destroy open records by recycling or regular trash disposal.
   (C)   Some records possess permanent or historical value. These records may be designated for eventual transfer to the Archives of Michigan for permanent preservation. The township shall follow the Archives’ procedures for transferring records.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.22)
   (A)   Township records, books and papers shall not be kept where they will be exposed to an unusual hazard of fire or theft or other damage.
   (B)   In the event of damage to township records, township personnel, at the direction of the Clerk shall, at minimum:
      (1)   Contact the township’s risk manager and insurance agent;
      (2)   Determine the type of damage to records (fire, smoke, chemical, clean water, dirty water, heat, humidity);
      (3)   Determine which records have been damaged;
      (4)   Determine the types of materials that have been damaged (paper, film/microfiche, computer files, CDs/DVDs and the like); and
      (5)   Begin salvage according to applicable state standards and best practices for document salvage.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.23)
   (A)   The Supervisor shall be the Public Information Officer for the township.
   (B)   (1)   The Public Information Officer shall be responsible for supervising the content disseminated as approved by the Township Board through the township newsletter, website, public service announcements and press releases on township government events, and responding to inquiries from the media or referring contact to other appropriate township officials.
      (2)   The Public Information Officer shall review the content of these materials for:
         (a)   Potential violations of the Campaign Finance Act, being M.C.L.A. §§ 169.201 et seq.;
         (b)   Political preference or support;
         (c)   Promotion of private interests;
         (d)   Misrepresentation of Township Board actions or policy; and
         (e)   Statements that could expose the township to legal liability.
   (C)   The Public Information Officer is authorized to determine, in his or her sole discretion, whether such content will be removed or edited out, submitted to the township legal counsel for a further opinion, directed to the Township Board for a final determination, or returned to the author for revision.
   (D)   The Public Information Officer shall advise Township Board members and other appropriate staff of all press releases and other media contacts at the time of release.
   (E)   (1)   Township officials and employees will notify the Public Information Officer of all media contacts made in their township capacity.
      (2)   Other township employees and volunteers will notify the Public Information Officer prior to making any statements to the news media in their township capacity.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 7.1)