§ 32.587  RECORD FEES.
   (A)   General costs.
      (1)   In all cases, township personnel shall use the most economical means available to make copies of public records, including digital copies of documents or recordings. E-mail may be used to distribute or mail records.
      (2)   ACTUAL, INCREMENTAL COST means the cost to the township over and above the cost to the township if the request had not been made. Overhead costs shall not be included in an actual, incremental cost.
      (3)   The township shall charge the actual, incremental copying cost to make a copy subject to a FOIA request for a copy or made to accommodate a request to inspect.
      (4)   The township shall charge a labor cost to make the copy, which is the hourly wage of the lowest paid township employee capable of making the copy, as determined for each request.
      (5)   Labor costs are charged in ten minute increments. The hourly wage used to calculate labor costs includes total compensation and benefits.
   (B)   Fees for copying records or notices for FOIA or Open Meetings Act subscriptions. The township shall charge the actual, incremental cost to make the copy. Labor costs shall not be charged for a copy made to fulfill a FOIA subscription request because the copy is made at the same time the record is issued.
   (C)   Mailing fees. The township shall charge actual postage or shipping costs and the actual cost of the envelope or mailer.
   (D)   Fees for separating exempt from non-exempt information.
      (1)   A fee shall not be charged for the cost to search, examine, review and delete, separate or redact exempt from non-exempt information unless failure to charge a fee would result in unreasonably high costs to the township because of the nature of the specific request.
      (2)   The FOIA Coordinator shall determine if a fee will be charged under this section.
      (3)   When the FOIA Coordinator determines that a fee will be charged under this section, the FOIA Coordinator shall specifically identify the nature of the unreasonably high costs of the specific request on the written response to the FOIA request.
      (4)   The township shall charge a labor cost to search, examine, review and delete, separate or redact exempt from non-exempt information, which is the hourly wage of the lowest paid township employee capable of making the copy, as determined for each request.
      (5)   Labor costs are charged in ten-minute increments. The hourly wage used to calculate labor costs includes total compensation and benefits.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 6.11)