Department heads shall bring to the attention of the Township Board any conduct of merit by any township employee, volunteer or appointed official that deserves recognition. The Township Board, at its discretion, shall recognize meritorious conduct through the adoption of a resolution of tribute or other public announcement.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.15)
(A) The township shall provide a workplace free from recognized hazards that may cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. The township shall provide an effective safety management program that includes both leadership and employee involvement, will conduct worksite analysis and will provide employee training as necessary.
(B) The Supervisor is hereby appointed as the township safety officer. It shall be the duty of the safety officer to assess the general working conditions of the township on a continual basis. Any conditions that create a safety hazard shall be corrected immediately. The safety officer shall report to the Township Board any unsafe condition that will require a modification of any Board-adopted policy or procedure or the expenditure of funds to eliminate that condition.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.16)
(A) The township shall not tolerate retaliation against any employee or other person who, in good faith, reports a violation or perceived violation of township policies, or retaliation against any employee or other person who participates in any investigation as a witness or otherwise.
(B) Retaliation is a serious violation of this policy and is subject to discipline up to, and including, discharge.
(C) An employee must promptly report any acts of retaliation to his or her department head or to the Township Supervisor.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.17)
The township shall comply with state wage and hour laws that regulate the method of payment of wages, the payment of wages upon termination of employment, allowable deductions, income tax withholding and payment of employment taxes, wage garnishments, recordkeeping and maintenance of payroll records.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.18)
(A) An employee who voluntarily terminates employment will be paid all wages earned and due on the next regularly scheduled payday.
(B) Discharged employees will be paid as soon as the correct amount is determined, or within four days of termination.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.19)
(A) The township shall comply with federal and state laws regarding income tax and Social Security deductions. All voluntary deductions shall be authorized in writing. The Clerk shall be notified at least five days prior to the end of the pay period of any changes in voluntary deductions or withholding allowances desired by an employee.
(B) The township shall make appropriate deductions to satisfy any court orders for garnishments or for child or spousal support orders.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.21)
(A) A payroll change order or other documentation shall be used to make any employee changes (e.g., setting or changing compensation, and deductions or withholdings) or to add a new employee to payroll. A payroll change order or other documentation must be signed by the Clerk.
(B) A new employee change order shall also be accompanied by the following:
(1) New hire reporting form;
(2) I-9 form;
(3) W-4 form; and
(4) Direct deposit authorization and/or any other voluntary deduction forms.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.22)