(A)   The Township Board, in conjunction with the Supervisor, shall develop, periodically update and implement a personnel policies and procedures manual to help guide the Board or its designated Personnel Officer, employee supervisors and managers in the implementation of all employee workplace issues.
   (B)   The provisions of the personnel policies and procedures manual may be changed at the discretion of the Supervisor or the Township Board. Township Board members, officials and employees may submit any suggested changes or additions to these policies and procedures to the Supervisor for review and/or possible inclusion into the manuals(s).
   (C)   The designated Personnel Officer shall also develop and periodically update an employee handbook to answer employees’ questions and to advise them on township policies.
   (D)   The provisions of the employee handbook may be changed at the sole discretion of the Supervisor or the Personnel Officer. Employees may submit any suggested changes or additions to these policies and procedures to the Township Board, Supervisor or designated Personnel Officer.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 5.4)