(A)   Requests for payments to vendors shall be documented in writing by a vendor invoice, or in the few instances where no invoice is forthcoming, by a written request by the department head requesting payment. Except for rare exceptions, only original invoices shall be processed for payments, as statements or copies of invoices may result in duplicate payments. Appropriate documentation (supporting invoices) shall be attached for all disbursements. Original bills, not copies, must be used for documentation.
   (B)   Employee expense reimbursements shall be documented on an expense voucher prepared by the employee. All invoices, departmental check requests and expense vouchers shall include the following:
      (1)   Vendor name;
      (2)   Purpose of payment request;
      (3)   Unit price and units delivered (if applicable);
      (4)   Date goods delivered or services rendered; and
      (5)   The related purchase order (if applicable).
   (C)   All requests for payments shall be approved by the department to which the expense shall be posted by initialing the document.
   (D)   All requests for payment shall be submitted to the Clerk at least three days prior to the Board meeting at which claims will be approved.
   (E)   The Clerk shall verify the payee, amount, purpose and the disbursing fund of each request. After verification, the Clerk shall prepare a warrant, enter it into the general ledger and make a copy for township records.
(Board and Administrative Policies Manual, § 4.45)