In the event voluntary conservation measures are declared the following guidelines shall apply and the public shall be encouraged to adhere to the following:
   (A)   Limit car washing to the minimum;
   (B)   Limit lawn and garden watering to that, which is necessary for plants to survive;
   (C)   Do not wash down outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, parking lots, service bays and the like;
   (D)   Do not leave faucets running while shaving or rinsing dishes;
   (E)   Water shrubbery to the minimum required reusing household water when possible;
   (F)   Limit use of clothes washers and dishwashers and when used, operate fully loaded;
   (G)   Use of showers for bathing, rather than bathtub and limit showers to no more than four minutes;
   (H)   Limit flushing of toilets by multiple usage;
   (I)   The use of disposable and biodegradable dishes is encouraged;
   (J)   The use of flow restrictive and water saving devices;
   (K)   All residents, businesses and institutions are requested to temporarily delay new landscape work until the water shortage has ended; and
   (L)   Limit use for industrial purposes
(Ord. 2007-06, passed 10-25-2007)