The following acts and activities, among others, are hereby declared to be a source of “unreasonably loud and/or disturbing noise” in violation of § 90.21:
   (A)   Sounds impacting residential areas. It shall be unlawful to carry on the following activities in any residentially-zoned area of the town, or within 300 feet of any residentially-occupied structure in any zone of the town:
      (1)   The sounding of any horn, car alarm, siren or other signal device upon any automobile, except when used as a signal of warning or danger, so as to create any unreasonable noise;
      (2)   The playing of any sound-magnifying device, radio, television or musical equipment, within or outside of any structure, in a manner or at a volume so as to annoy or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of any person in any adjoining dwelling, apartment unit or hotel/motel room;
      (3)   The operation a front-end loader for refuse collection during nighttime hours;
      (4)   The operation of construction machinery or performing any construction activities during nighttime hours;
      (5)   The operation of automotive repairs equipment or garage machinery out-of-doors during nighttime hours;
      (6)   The operation of lawn mowers or other domestic power tools, out-of-doors during nighttime hours;
      (7)   The creation of any mechanical noise which registers more than 60 dB(A) during nighttime hours at the property line of the source of the noise; and
      (8)   The keeping of any animal or bird, which by causing frequent or long continued noise that is unreasonable, shall disturb the comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity.
   (B)   Sounds impacting all areas. It shall be unlawful to carry on the following activities in any area of the town:
      (1)   To operate or allow the operation of any sound amplification equipment except in accordance to a permit obtained from the Town Manager or Town Council (in case of exceptional permit issuance);
      (2)   To amplify sound produced by a radio, compact disc or any other electronic device, or sounds produced by any person or musical instrument from within a motor vehicle, so as to create an unreasonable noise such that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of more than 50 feet away from the vehicle. This division (B)(2) shall not apply to vehicles used for business or political purposes which, in the normal course of operation, are not within 500 feet of any school, child care center, house of worship, personal care facility or hospital. This division (B)(2) does not apply to vehicles operating such equipment during public parades when a valid outdoor gatherings permit, with the sound conditions identified, has been issued;
      (3)   To discharge into the open air the exhaust of any internal combustion engine when the muffler system is missing or configured in such condition so as to result in the creation of unreasonable noise; and
      (4)   The operation of any motor vehicle outside of any structure on private or public property in such a manner as to create unreasonable noises, by actions including, but not limited to racing engines, spinning tires, jackrabbit starts and off-road operation.
   (C)   Exemptions. This section shall not apply to:
      (1)   Emergency operations designed to protect the public health or safety;
      (2)   Work performed by state, county, town or government-contracted crews in a right-of-way or utility easement when the department responsible for the work determines that it is necessary to perform the work during nighttime hours, under the following considerations:
         (a)   To avoid unreasonably impacting the flow of traffic; or
         (b)   To avoid unreasonably disrupting the provision of utility service.
      (3)   Church bells.
(Ord. passed 9-16-2021) Penalty, see § 90.99