It shall be unlawful for any person to:
   (A)   Plant or cultivate any tree, shrubbery, hedge or other plants in the parking area of any street, or on land adjacent to any sidewalk or street parking area unless the same are trimmed and maintained to prevent obstruction of the passage of vehicles and pedestrians over and along the roadway of any street, avenue or sidewalk of the town, as the case may be.
   (B)   Plant any tree, shrubbery, hedge or other plants within a sight triangle and by so doing create a sight obstruction so as to impede vision within the sight triangle between a height of three feet and eight feet above the center line grades of the intersecting streets and/or drives. For purposes of this subchapter, a sight triangle shall be the triangular area, at the intersection of any street with another street, driveway or accessway, formed by measuring from the point of intersection of the edge of street, drive or accessway a distance of 15 feet along each said street, drive or accessway line and connecting the points so established to form a triangle on the area adjacent to the intersection.
   (C)   Plant any tree within ten feet of any fire hydrant, water meter or sewer manhole
(Ord. 2018-02, passed 11-15-2018)