(A)   Special order. Public hearings required by law or deemed advisable by the Council shall be organized by a special order (adopted by a majority vote) that sets forth the subject, date, place, and time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length of time allotted for each speaker, and other pertinent matters. The rules may include, but are not limited to, rules:
      (1)   Fixing the maximum time allotted to each speaker;
      (2)   Providing for the designation of spokespersons for groups of persons supporting or opposing the same positions;
      (3)   Providing for the selection of delegates from groups of persons supporting or opposing the same positions when the number of persons wishing to attend the hearing exceeds the capacity of the hall (so long as arrangements are made, in the case of hearings subject to the open meetings law, for those excluded from the hall to listen to the hearing); and
      (4)   Providing for the maintenance of order and decorum in the conduct of the hearing.
   (B)   Notice and open meetings law. All notice and other requirements of the open meetings law applicable to Council meetings shall also apply to public hearings at which a majority of the Council is present; such a hearing is considered to be part of a regular or special meeting of the Council. These requirements also apply to hearings conducted by appointed or elected committees of the Council, if a majority of the committee is present. A public hearing for which any notices required by the open meetings law or other provisions of law have been given may be continued to a time and place certain without further advertisement. The requirements of § 30.41(C) shall be followed in continuing a hearing at which a majority of the Council is present.
   (C)   Delegates. The Council may vote to delegate to town staff members, as appropriate, the authority to schedule, call, and give notice of public hearings required by law or the Council. The Council shall provide adequate guidelines to assist staff members in fulfilling this responsibility, and it shall not delegate the responsibility in cases where the Council itself is required by law to call, schedule, or give notice of the hearing.
   (D)   Commencement of hearing. At the time appointed for the hearing, the Mayor or his or her designee shall call the hearing to order and then preside over it. When the allotted time expires or when no one wishes to speak who has not done so, the presiding officer shall declare the hearing ended. (E)Quorum at public hearings. A quorum of the Council shall be required at all public hearings required by state law. If a quorum is not present at such a hearing, the hearing shall be continued until the next regular Council meeting without further advertisement.
(Ord. 2008-12, passed 11-20-2008; Am. Ord. 2015-07, passed 10-15-2015)