§ 30.43 AGENDA.
   (A)   Proposed agenda. The Town Clerk shall prepare a proposed agenda for each meeting. A request to have an item of business placed on the agenda must be received at least seven calendar days before the meeting, except that requests by a Council member or the Town Manager may be made on shorter time. A copy of all proposed ordinances shall be attached to the proposed agenda. An agenda package shall be prepared that includes, for each item of business placed on the proposed agenda, as much background information on the subject as is available and feasible to reproduce. Each Council member shall receive a copy of the proposed agenda and the agenda package and they shall be available for public inspection and distribution or copying when they are distributed to the Council members.
   (B)   Adoption of the agenda.
      (1)   As its first order of business at each meeting, the Council shall, as specified in § 30.45, discuss and revise the proposed agenda and adopt an agenda for the meeting. If items are proposed to be added to the agenda of a meeting, the Council may, by majority vote, require that written copies of particular documents connected with the items be made available at the meeting to all Council members.
      (2)   The Council may, by majority vote, add items to or subtract items from the proposed agenda, except that:
         (a)   The Council may not subtract items from the proposed agenda stated in the notice of a special meeting called by the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore, or two Council members, unless those calling the meeting consent to the deletion;
         (b)   The Council may not add items to the proposed agenda stated in the notice of a special meeting called by the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore, or two Council members, unless all members are present, or those who are absent sign a written waiver of notice; and
         (c)   Only business connected with the emergency may be considered at an emergency meeting. The Council may add items to the proposed agenda of a special meeting only if it determines in good faith at the meeting that it is essential to discuss or act on the item immediately.
      (3)   The Council may designate certain agenda items "for discussion and possible action." This designation means that the Council intends to discuss the general subject area of that agenda item before making any motion concerning that item.
   (C)   Consent agenda. The Council may designate a part of the agenda as the consent agenda. Items shall be placed on the consent agenda by those preparing the proposed agenda if they are judged to be noncontroversial and routine. Any member may remove an item from the consent agenda and place it on the regular agenda while the agenda is being discussed and revised prior to its adoption at the beginning of the meeting. All items on the consent agenda shall be voted on and adopted by a single motion, with the minutes reflecting the motion and vote on each item.
   (D)   Open meetings requirements. The Council shall not deliberate, vote, or otherwise take action on any matter by reference to a letter, number, or other designation, or other secret device or method, with the intention of making it impossible for persons attending a meeting of the Council to understand what is being deliberated, voted, or acted on. The Council may, however, deliberate, vote, or otherwise take action by reference to an agenda, if copies of the agenda sufficiently worded to enable the public to understand what is being deliberated, voted, or acted on are available for public inspection at the meeting.
(Ord. 2008-12, passed 11-20-2008; Am. Ord. 2015-07, passed 10-15-2015)