(A)   Residential Estate (RE). The Residential Estate (RE) district as herein established is intended to be the most restrictive of the residential districts. The intent is to provide for an environment of low density one-family detached dwelling units along with other residentially related facilities which serve the residents in this district. These areas will often be dependent on private, individual septic tanks and wells; therefore, requiring larger lot sizes to sustain individual water supplies and sewage disposal facilities. These areas may have soil and topographic constraints that preclude intense urban development.
   (B)   Low Density Residential District (R-1). The Low Density Residential District is primarily intended to provide locations for low-density residential development in outlying rural areas that are not likely to have public water and sewer services available and may have soil and topographic constraints that preclude intense urban development. These areas often will be dependent upon private, individual septic tanks and wells; therefore, requiring larger lot sizes to sustain individual water supplies and sewage disposal facilities. This district also provides for recreational, community service and institutional uses that will complement the residential development. This district will be applied within those areas designated on the land use plan as Low Density Residential areas.
   (C)   Community Residential-Medium Density Residential District (R-2). The Community Residential-Medium Density Residential District is primarily intended to provide locations for residential uses and supporting recreational and community service uses in area where generally both Town public water and sewer services are available. These are the more urban areas of the community and will be primarily within the town limits and in close proximity to public and private services and the town's central business district. This district is intended to protect existing single-family homes and subdivisions within the town. This district will be applied within those areas designated on the land use plan as Medium Density Residential areas.
   (D)   Central Business District (CBD). The Central Business District is intended to be the primary retail and service center, and focal point of the community. This district provides for the concentration of commercial uses, professional services, financial services, governmental functions, and related services. The CBD area currently has access to both public water and sewer services, and dimensional requirements for this district are intended to encourage concentrated commercial development and to promote convenient pedestrian shopping in pleasant surroundings. This district will be applied to the existing commercial center and to adjacent properties that with commercial development will complement and enhance the CBD as the retail and service center of the community. This district will be applied within the commercial areas as designated on the land use plan.
   (E)   I-26 Corridor Overlay Area (I-26 COA). The I-26 Corridor Overlay boundaries are from the concrete right-of-way monument set at the east intersection of Highway 26 and Highway 108, at the corner of Spartan Petroleum Company and running east 500 feet on Highway 108 to a line parallel to the right-of-way of 1-26, and also at the concrete right-of-way monument set at the west intersection of Highway 26 and Highway 108, at the corner of the McFarland tract and running west 500 feet on Highway 108 to a line parallel to the right of way of 1-26. This overlay area has the same requirements as in the Highway Commercial District, but also has additional requirements for tall signs and electronic gaming operations.
   (F)   Highway Commercial District (HC). The Highway Commercial District is intended to provide suitable locations for clustered groupings of highway commercial development in convenient locations along N.C. 108, to serve local residences and persons traveling by automobile. Urban sprawl, congestions, and strip commercial development will be discouraged by promoting good design, clustered developments, and by guiding commercial development primarily to areas that have water and sewer services and suitable soil and topographic conditions. These areas should provide sufficient space for ample off-street parking and well designed entrances and exits to avoid traffic congestion and safety hazards. Highway commercial areas are intended for commercial enterprises and services that require greater land area and lot dimensions than establishments locating in the Central Business District. This district will be applied within the commercial areas as designated on the land use plan.
   (G)   Industrial District (IND). The Industrial District is intended to provide sites for manufacturing  and industrial uses, storage and warehousing, wholesale trade, and other major employment centers. These locations should currently have both public water and sewer services available or be expected to have these services in the future, and have suitable soil and topographic conditions to sustain the development. This district includes existing manufacturing areas, and sites suited for future or further industrial development, and area designated on the land use plan as Industrial Centers. Only those manufacturing uses will be allowed which have meet all local, state, and federal environmental standards, and do not involve obnoxious noise, vibrations, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, dust, fire hazards or other objectionable conditions which would be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community.
   (H)   Public Service District (PS). The Public Service District is intended to be an area containing a concentration of public service activities such as recreation areas, educational facilities, hospitals, emergency services and the like. This district is intended to preserve existing public service centers and will apply to those areas designated on the land use plan as Public Service Centers.
   (I)   Mixed-Use District (MU). The Mixed-Use District is established to provide opportunities for compatible and sustainable re-development where underutilized commercial properties already exist. The existing auto-oriented street, lot and building designs can create uncomfortable pedestrian environments; however, with careful site planning these areas will allow a greater number of residents to walk or bike to businesses and services with an interconnected network of streets and sidewalks. Dominant uses in this district are residential, retail and office. The Mixed-Use District is expected to serve Columbus residents as well as persons who travel from the surrounding communities. The development pattern in this district acknowledges the role of the automobile, with parking and access provided to ensure safety for the motoring public. Development standards in the Mixed-Use District ensure the creation of a pleasant auto-oriented environment while enabling a compatible transition to uses in adjacent districts. This District is available for rezoning only with the consent of the property owner(s).
   (J)   Traditional Neighborhood Development District (TND). The Traditional Neighborhood Development District provides for the development of new neighborhoods and the revitalization or extension of existing neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are structured upon a fine network of interconnecting pedestrian oriented streets and other public spaces. Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TND's) provide a mixture of housing types and prices, prominently sited civic or community building(s), stores/offices/workplaces, and churches to provide a balanced mix of activities. A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) has a recognizable center and clearly defined edges; optimum size is a quarter mile from center to edge. A TND is urban in form, is typically an extension of the existing developed area of the Town, and has an overall residential density of up to 16 dwelling units per acre. TND districts should have a significant portion of land dedicated to open spaces. This District is available for rezoning only with the consent of the property owner(s).
(Ord., Art. VII, § 704, passed - -; Am. Ord. 2010-05, passed 7-14-2010; Am. Ord. passed 3-16-2017)