(A)   Private roads defined.
      (1)   A PRIVATE STREET OR ROAD is defined as a dedicated private right-of-way which affords access to abutting properties, and is required to be built to the road design standards listed in this section of the ordinance. All new private roads shall directly access a state-maintained road or shall connect to a private road meeting the standards of this section.
      (2)   New roads within a subdivision may be designated by the subdivider as private, provided all streets proposed for private use shall be limited to the following:
         (a)   Streets providing exclusive access to residential subdivisions and private resort developments;
         (b)   Streets in subdivisions or portions of subdivisions serving too few lots for inclusion into the state secondary road system; and
         (c)   Streets providing exclusive access to family subdivisions.
      (3)   A private local subdivision road includes:
         (a)   Cul-de-sac or dead end roads less than 2,500 feet in length;
         (b)   Short roads that connect blocks; and/or
         (c)   Other roads that do not connect to thoroughfares or serve major traffic generators.
      (4)   A private subdivision collector road includes:
         (a)   Cul-de-sac or dead end roads more than 2,500 feet in length;
         (b)   Connecting roads between the local residential subdivision roads and the thoroughfare system;
         (c)   Loop roads more than 5,280 feet (one mile) in length; and
         (d)   Other roads having a "collector" type function in the thoroughfare system.
   (B)   Maintenance of private roads. All subdivision plats which include private roads shall be accompanied by a disclosure statement (G.S. § 136-102.6) for recording, which provides for the maintenance of any kind and all private streets designated within a subdivision by a property owner's association.
   (C)   Private road design.
      (1)   No road in an area subject to flooding shall be approved if any portion is more than two feet below the elevation of a 100-year flood.
         (a)   The Subdivision Administrator and/or the Planning Board may require, where necessary, profiles and elevations of roads for areas subject to flooding. Fill may be used for roads provided the fill does not unduly increase flood heights.
         (b)   Drainage openings for roads in areas subject to flooding shall be provided and shall be so designed as to not restrict the flow of water and unduly increase flood heights. The Subdivision Administrator and/or the Planning Board will require a state-certified engineer stamp stating that the road is suitable for use in a floodplain.
      (2)   Every road shall be designed to accommodate a ten-year storm water run-off by natural or artificial means.
      (3)   Road signs shall be installed and maintained by the developer and/or the Homeowners' Association and shall be approved by the County Emergency Management office at all intersections within the subdivision.
      (4)   The following minimum dimensional standards shall apply for private local subdivision roads:
Road Element
Road Element
Minimum right-of-way width
45 feet
Minimum road surface width
   One to five lots
12 feet
   Six to 15 lots
16 feet
   Fifteen +
20 feet
Minimum road surface
Six-inch gravel
Minimum cul-de-sac right-of-way radius
50 feet
Minimum cul-de-sac surface radius
35 feet
Minimum shoulder width
3 feet
Maximum cut and fill slopes
Design speed
20 mph
Minimum sight distance on vertical curves
110 feet
Minimum centerline radius
90 feet
Minimum superelevation rate for minimum radius
0.02 feet per 1 foot
Maximum grade
Maximum grade within 100 feet of intersection
5% (unless deemed safe by engineer)
K=Rate of vertical curvature for minimum sight distance*
*Apply the following formula: L=KA; Where: L=Length; K=Rate of vertical curvature for minimum sight distance; A=Algebraic difference in grades in percent
      (5)   The following minimum dimensional standards shall apply for private subdivision collector roads:
Road Element
Road Element
Minimum right-of-way width
50 feet
Minimum road surface width
20 feet
Minimum road surface
Six-inch gravel
Minimum cul-de-sac right-of-way radius
50 feet
Minimum cul-de-sac surface radius
35 feet
Minimum shoulder width
Three feet
Max. cut and fill slopes
Design speed
25 mph
Minimum sight distance on vertical curves
150 feet
Minimum centerline radius
150 feet
Minimum superelevation rate for minimum radius
0.04 feet per one foot
Max. grade
Max. grade within 100 feet of intersection
5% (unless deemed safe by engineer)
K = Rate of vertical curvature for minimum sight distance*
*Apply the following formula: L = KA; L = Length; K = Rate of vertical curvature for minimum sight distance; A=Algebraic difference in grades in percent
(Ord. passed 5-17-2007)