(A) Waters or wastes that are otherwise acceptable for discharge to sanitary sewers, but which have a BOD in excess of 300 parts per million or a suspended solids content in excess of 300 parts per million, will be subject to a surcharge based on the excess strength as compared to normal sewage as defined herein; the surcharge being necessary to compensate the town for the extra cost of treating those wastes.
(B) Sewer use surcharges shall be imposed where the concentration of BOD, or suspended solids exceeds those limits, as prescribed for "normal sewage". More specifically, where BOD concentrations exceed 300 mg/l, COD concentrations exceed 750 mg/l or suspended solids concentrations exceed 3,400 mg/l, a surcharge will be imposed.
(C) In addition where any new user flows are in excess of 10% of the design capacity of the POTW to which they are discharged, a surcharge shall be imposed on that excessive flow.
(D) Charges shall either be assessed on excessive BOD or COD loads and not on both parameters; provided that one or both parameters exceed allowable concentrations as previously stipulated, and on that parameter which exhibits the greater pollution load on the town's facilities.
(E) The amount of each waste constituent subject to a surcharge shall be determined in accordance with the following equation:
PBOD = (ib-300 mg/l (8.34 x If)
PCOD = (iC – 750 mg/l) 8.34 x If)
PSS = (IS – 300 mg/l) (8.34 x If)
F = (I2f – 10% If)
IB = Concentration of industrial BOD in mg/l.
If = Industrial flow in million gallons per day.
IC = Concentration of industrial COD in mg/l.
IS = Concentration of industrial suspended solids in mg/l.
P = Pounds of waste constituent in hundreds subject to surcharge.
F = Excessive flow subject to surcharge in gallons per day.
D = Design flow of the treatment works to which the user's wastewater is discharged in gallons per day.
12f = Industrial flow in gallons per day.
(F) The amount of the surcharge will be determined by the following factors.
(G) The amount of surcharge rates shall be as designated by the Town Council and shall be on file in the Clerk's office.
(H) The surcharge rates shall be reviewed at least annually by the Town Council in consideration of the costs to the town incurred by treating the excessive wastes, including fixed charges, debt service charges, and operation and maintenance costs. The Town Council shall review the recommended rates and adopt rates to be charged during the ensuing fiscal year or until revised by the Town Council.
(I) The volume of flow used in calculating the amount of surcharge will be based upon the metered water consumption or as determined by the methods described in § 53.09 above.
(J) The surcharges shall be based on the analytical results of not less than three 24-hour composite samples collected at the control manhole at unannounced, but approximately equal, intervals during the preceding three months. Samples shall be collected and analyses shall be made by competent operating personnel at the sewage treatment plant or other persons designated by the town in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. When requested by the discharger, the samples shall be split to permit analysis by the discharger, or a qualified independent laboratory.
(K) Each person discharging liquid wastes into the public sewer shall be subject to periodic inspection to determine the character and concentration of the wastes.
(1) The concentration of the BOD, COD and SS shall be determined by the town in such manner as to provide a typical, representative sample.
(2) The costs incident to the supervision, inspection, sampling and analyses for regularly scheduled sampling shall be included in the surcharge fees.
(3) The town shall also make inspection and tests immediately after any significant process changes, which may affect the quantity or quality of wastes discharged.
(4) The frequency of sampling shall be as follows:
(a) When the amount of the surcharge is $500 or less per month, samples shall be taken twice per year;
(b) When the amount of the surcharge is between $500 and $1,000 per month, samples shall be taken three times per year; and
(c) When the amount of the surcharge is greater than $1,000 per month, samples shall be taken four times per year.
(L) (1) The town, upon request by the industry concerned, shall make available a split sample of the composite samples collected. If the industry feels the results are not representative of their wastes, the town shall resample at a cost to the industry of $100 per day which will include the analyses of BOD, COD and SS.
(2) All surcharges on excessive strength wastes as delineated herein shall be computed each month in accordance with this section and be rendered in addition to the normal monthly service charges.
(Ord. 97-11-07, passed 11-6-1997)