A. License fees shall be paid by the first licensee(s) to defray the City’s cost in granting a license and in administering the regulations of this Chapter. The Utilities which obtain the first Service Area Licenses in the City shall each be charged a license fee based upon the formula: $1,000.00, plus $2.10 for each improved parcel within the described service area. The number of improved parcels shall be determined by the City Administrator by reference to the most recent listing by the Anoka County Assessor. License fees charged for expansion of an existing Service Area shall be based upon the following formula: the City’s actual costs (after credit for § 18-408 hearing fee) for consideration of the expansion request plus $2.10 for each improved parcel within the described expansion area. No other license fees or percentage-of-gross-revenues fees shall be charged. The present waiver of these other license fees is made in the public interest. This waiver does not apply to construction permit fees. (See § 18-303 above.) The City Council reserves the right to establish additional license fees in the future.
B. The license fee for licenses awarded under § 18-510 and § 18-520 are due and payable at the City Hall by the licensees on August 28, 1989. (Clerk’s note: Ordinance No. 89-1 was published on August 17, 1989, making the Ordinance and this Chapter effective on August 18, 1989. The Ordinance, as passed, called for payment of the license fees “... within ten (10) days following the effective date of this Ordinance.” The text of this sentence, as printed here, has been revised accordingly. /s/Barbara A. Masteller.)
[§ 18-410 amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007, amended by Ord. No. 09-04, effective March 19, 2009.]