A.   The City shall give the Utility reasonable written notice of plans for street improvements where paving or resurfacing of a permanent nature is involved. The notice shall contain the nature and character of the improvements, the streets upon which the improvements are to be made, the extent of the improvements and the time when the City will start the work, and, if more than one street is involved, the order in which this work is to proceed. The notice shall be given to the Utility a sufficient length of time, considering seasonable working conditions, in advance of the actual commencement of the work, to permit the Utility to make any additions, alterations or repairs to its facilities the Utility deems necessary.
   B.   In cases where streets are at final width and grade, and the City has installed underground sewer and water mains and Service Connections to the property line abutting the streets prior to a permanent paving or resurfacing of such streets, and the Utility’s main is located under such street, the Utility may be required to install gas Service Connections prior to such paving or resurfacing, whenever it is apparent that gas service will be required during the five (5) years following the paving or resurfacing.
[§ 18-309 amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007.]