A. Crossing Charged Pipeline. No person, corporation or other entity shall cause or permit a Pipeline to become a Charged Pipeline where the Pipeline to be charged crosses over or beneath a Charged Pipeline which exists as of August 18, 1989.
B. Exception. A Charged Pipeline may cross over or under another Charged Pipeline where both Charged Pipelines are part of a Distribution System and neither is a Service Connection, and only where the existence of the second Pipeline to be charged is necessary to extend the delivery of Natural Gas to customers located in a new Service Area or in areas outside of the City. Exceptions granted under this section shall be extremely limited, and economic considerations alone shall not justify the issuance of a permit where another practical means of delivering Natural Gas is available without creating a situation in which two Charged Pipelines cross each other.
[§ 18-304 amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007.]