The following zoning districts are established as overlay districts in conjunction with the zoning districts established in Chapter 7A (Columbus Zoning Ordinance) of the Columbus City Code:
FP General Floodplain District
FW Floodway District
FF Flood Fringe District
A. The FP District includes those areas designated as unnumbered “A Zones” (approximately 100-year flood frequency areas) on the Flood Insurance Rate Map in the City of Columbus. The FP District contains both the FW District and the FF District, that have yet to be determined, as required in Section 7F-420 and Section 7F-430, below.
B. The FW District includes the bed of wetlands and lakes, the channel of a watercourse, and those portions of the adjoining floodplain which are reasonably required to carry or store the regional flood discharge.
C. The FF District is the area outside of the FW District but within the FP District that has been or may be subject to flooding.