Specific parking requirements may be included within individual zoning district standards. If there is a conflict with differing parking standards anywhere in this Ordinance, the stricter provision shall apply.
   The following minimum areas shall be provided and maintained by ownership, easement or lease, for and during the life of the respective uses hereinafter set forth. The maneuvering areas, access aisles, driveways and parking spaces shall be no closer than twenty (20) feet from the front property line or ten (10) feet to the side and rear property lines. No parking shall occupy public easement areas. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet by twenty (20) feet in area and served by a twenty-four (24) foot-wide aisle or driveway. One-way parking aisles may be narrower, subject to site plan review and approval by the City Council.
   Access drives and required parking areas for all businesses, residential dwellings with public sewer and water, churches, and schools shall be surfaced with bituminous or concrete. Approved business storage and maneuvering areas, and single family dwelling driveways in the Rural Residential District, may be constructed with all-weather aggregate materials. Authorized drive-through facilities, such as restaurant and drug store drive-up windows and car washes, shall have a minimum stacking area for five (5) vehicles at each window or bay, which does not eliminate or encumber any required parking spaces.
   The general minimum parking requirements, except where specifically listed below, shall be one (1) parking space for each employee plus one (1) parking space for each two (2) invitees or one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area of retail space, or one (1) parking space for each two thousand (2000) square feet of gross floor area of warehouse space, whichever produces the higher number of parking spaces. The Planning Commission may recommend and the City Council may modify parking requirements or establish parking standards, based upon findings that confirm a different number or configuration of parking spaces are adequate to serve a proposed use or if the use is not listed within these provisions.
   The Planning Commission may recommend and the City Council may reduce parking requirements for uses requiring a Conditional or Interim Use Permit, based upon findings that there is “proof of parking area” availability on the property that could be improved for additional parking in the future and that the City can require such additional parking when it makes findings that additional parking is needed.
   A.   Auto, Marine, and RV Sales and/or Service. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of retail, office and showroom space, plus one (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of storage and service area.
   B.   Bowling Alleys. At least five (5) parking spaces for each bowling lane, plus additional spaces as may be required for related uses contained within the principal structure such as a restaurant.
   C.   Car Wash.
      1.   Automobile drive through services. Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space for each employee on the maximum shift.
      2.   Self-Service. Five (5) parking spaces per stall.
   D.   Day Care Facilities and Pre-Schools. One (1) space for each employee on the largest shift, plus one (1) space for every three (3) children or students attending during peak attendance.
   E.   Financial Institutions, Municipal Buildings, and/or Public Office Buildings. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
   F.   Funeral Homes. Twenty (20) parking spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus one (1) parking space for each funeral vehicle maintained on the premises. Aisle space shall also be provided off street for making up a funeral procession.
   G.   Furniture Stores and Appliance Stores. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area.
   H.   Golf Courses. Five (5) parking spaces for each hole on the golf course plus requisite parking for restaurants and banquet facilities.
   I.   Hospitals. Two (2) parking spaces for each patient bed.
   J.   Hotels and Motels. One (1) space for each room plus one (1) additional space for each employee on the maximum shift. Separate parking shall be required for accessory restaurants, bars, taverns, or banquet halls.
   K.   Manufacturing, Fabricating, or Processing of a Product or Material. One (1) parking space for each employee on the largest shift, one (1) space for each company owned truck that is not stored inside a building and guest parking as may be necessary for the business.
   L.   Medical or Dental Clinics, Veterinary Hospitals or Clinics, and Animal Grooming Facilities. One (1) parking space for each employee and two (2) spaces for each patient room or station.
   M.   Motor Fuel and/or Service Stations. One (1) parking space per employee plus four (4) parking spaces for each service stall. Those facilities designed with retail sales shall be required to provide additional parking in compliance with other applicable sections of this Ordinance.
   N.   Offices. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
   O.   Public Facilities, Public Utilities, Police and Fire Public Safety Facilities. One (1) space per employee on maximum shift, plus one (1) space per utility vehicle or official vehicle.
   P.   Retail Stores, Photography Studios, or Service Shops. One (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area for public sales plus one (1) space for each five hundred (500) square feet of service or storage area.
   Q.   Religious Institutions. One (1) parking space for each three (3) seats in the largest assembly.
   R.   Theaters and Other Cultural and Entertainment Facilities. One (1) parking space for each three (3) seats of design capacity.
   S.   Restaurants, Cafes, Bars, Taverns, and Night Clubs. One (1) space for each three (3) seats based on capacity design.
   T.   Rest Homes, Nursing Homes, Convalescent Homes, or Institutions. One (1) parking space for each six (6) beds for which accommodations are offered, plus one (1) additional parking space per employee on the maximum shift.
   U.   Shopping Centers. Five (5) spaces per each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross leasable floor area (exclusive of common areas).
   V.   Schools (Elementary and Junior High). Two (2) parking spaces for each classroom plus one (1) additional space for each employee. Sports facilities will require additional parking.
   W.   Schools (High School through College). One (1) parking space for each ten (10) students based on design capacity, plus two (2) additional spaces for each classroom. Sports facilities will require additional parking.
   X.   Skating Rinks, Dance Halls, Miniature Golf, Private Clubs, Ice Arenas. Ten (10) parking spaces plus one (1) additional space for each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area devoted to the principal use.
   Y.   Stadiums, Ballfields, and Other Sports Facilities. One (1) parking space for each four (4) Seats of design capacity.
   Z.   Warehouse, Storage, Handling of Bulk Goods. The space which is solely used as office shall comply with office use requirements plus one (1) space for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area plus one (1) space for each employee on maximum shift and one (1) space for each company owned truck if not stored in the principal building.
[§7A-813, formerly § 7A-886, Paragraph R.22. added by Ord. No. 01-03, effective May 17, 2001 and Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17, 2002.]
[§ 7A-812, formerly § 7A-886Q., amended by Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17, 2002, § 7A812, formerly 7A-813 amended (renumbered) by Ord. No. 04-04A, effective June 3, 2004, , amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007, as amended by Ord. No. 11-06, effective August 4, 2011; amended by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021; amended by Ord. No. 23-01, effective May 4, 2023; amended by Ord. No. 23-05, effective August 31, 2023.]