A. Minimum Structure Size: The minimum foundation area shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet for a one-story dwelling, and eight hundred (800) square feet for a dwelling with two or more stories.
B. Minimum Structure Width: The minimum dwelling width shall be twenty-four (24) feet at its narrowest point.
C. Lot area must have at least one (1) buildable area or future buildable area.
D. Foundation Provisions: All dwelling units must have permanent foundations with perimeter frost footings according to the State Building Code.
E. Dwelling Unit Wall Provisions: All new dwelling units constructed shall have exterior walls constructed in accordance with the Uniform Building Code and State Energy Code. A dwelling unit constructed elsewhere prior to January 1, 2000 and moved into the City, shall not be considered to be in violation of this provision if it is constructed with not less than two (2) inch by four (4) inch dimension lumber on sixteen (16) inch centers, and otherwise conforms to the Uniform Building Code and State Energy Code.
F. Parking: Two (2) off-street parking spaces shall be provided per dwelling unit (minimum). Required parking spaces shall be surfaced with Class V, pavement, an equivalent or more durable material.
G. Storage of Certain Vehicles: No more than four (4) vehicles or recreational trailers shall be stored on any residential property, other than in completely enclosed buildings, two (2) of which may be allowed without required license plates, with the exception of licensed antique vehicles which are not required to have license plate. Commercial trailers, such as tractor trailers and large box trucks exceeding 26,000 lbs. shall not be stored on any residential property unless it is accessory to a residential use and located entirely within an enclosed building.
[§ 7A-804, Subsection G, amended by Ord. No. 20-04, effective September 3, 2020; amended by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021.]
H. Animals: Customary farm animals may be housed in the RR District, subject to Minnesota Law and the following provisions:
1. Feed lots with ten (10) or more animal units and the raising of hogs or swine are not allowed on parcels of less than twenty (20) acres.
2. Commercial boarding of horses shall be subject to the restrictions applicable to Interim Use Permits and Residential Zone Businesses. The keeping of four (4) or more dogs, over the age of six (6) months, requires a Residential Dog Kennel Permit.
3. Farm Animal Density: hooved animals. One-half (0.5) habitable acre per Animal Unit shall be required for hooved farm animals, including but limited to horses, cows, swine, sheep, goats, and other non-poultry, non-fowl, non-bird or furbearing animals. Land shall be considered habitable for the purposes of this Chapter 7A if it is fenced as required to restrain the animal, adequately drained so that it is not flooded, and is accessible to the animal at all times of the year other than intermittently due to severe weather.
4. Farm Animal Density: non-hooved animals. A maximum of sixteen (16) poultry, fowl, other farm-birds, rabbits and other furbearing farm animals shall be allowed per habitable acre. The maximum number of animals shall apply to animals over the age of three (3) months. Roosters shall only be permitted on lots of five (5) acres or more. Land shall be considered habitable for the purposes of this Chapter 7A if it is fenced as required to restrain the animal, adequately drained so that it is not flooded, and is accessible to the animal at all times of the year other than intermittently due to severe weather.
5. Animal Structures. Permanent wood structures or pre-manufactured farm animal structures shall be required for the safe keeping of all farm animals. Animal structures shall not be located closer than one hundred (100) feet from an abutting property residence. Animal structures shall not be allowed in the front yard of any property and shall be set back at least seventy-five (75) feet from the side yard and rear yard. Animal structures shall be compatible with standards recommended by the University of Minnesota Extension Service for housing animals.
6. Animal Sanitation. Animal structures and outdoor runs shall be cleaned of manure and feed residue as needed. Manure and feed residue shall be disposed of or composted in a manner that does not result in odors or unsanitary conditions impacting neighboring properties.
7. Animal Feed and Water. Animal feed shall be kept in secure containers to prevent attraction to rodents or other vermin. Animals shall have daily access to water.
8. Slaughtering. Slaughtering of animals, except for personal consumption, shall be prohibited.
9. Product Sales. The sale of farm animals, eggs, meat or other animal products shall be compliant with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Dairy and Food Inspection requirements.
10. The keeping of animals is subject to the provisions of Chapter 5 of the City Code: Public Safety and Public Nuisance.
[§ 7A-804, Subsection H, amended by Ord. No. 16-10, effective September 8, 2016; amended by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021.]
I. Parks and Playgrounds: Parks and Playgrounds are allowed in the RR District subject to the following:
1. All uses are approved by the City Council.
2. Lighted areas shall be located and the source of illumination shielded so that neither the light source nor direct visible rays or glare project beyond the area of the park to be illuminated. In no case shall any light standard be placed closer than seventy-five (75) feet from any adjacent property line, except that a light standard may be erected at or near a driveway or driveway apron where the driveway intersects the edge of the right-of-way.
3. At the option of the City Council on such date as the situation may arise, noise buffers may be required to shield adjacent residence(s) from undue noise pollution. This may be in the form of a tall solid fence or heavy vegetation.
J. Public Utilities and Public Service Facilities: Public utilities and public service facilities may be allowed as conditional uses in several zoning districts and must adhere to the following additional standards:
1. Structures and uses shall be consistent with underlying zoning district dimensional standards.
2. All Structures erected, placed, or moved specifically for the operation of the public utility or public service facility shall be completely surrounded or enclosed by a building or security Fence.
3. Outdoor mechanical equipment, structures, appurtenances, and parking shall be appropriately screened from adjacent properties and public roads.
4. No unsafe, uncomfortable, or offensive vibrations, noises, visual effects, odors, or air pollutants shall be allowed to radiate across lot lines.
K. Cemeteries: May be allowed as a conditional use and must adhere to the following additional standards:
1. No cemetery plot or structure shall be placed within fifty (50) feet of any lot line and seventy-five (75) feet from the frontage.
2. Cemeteries must be established, operated, and maintained in accord with Minnesota Statutes. Compliance with those statutes shall be a continuing condition of the conditional use permit.
3. No unsafe, uncomfortable, or offensive vibrations, noises, visual effects, odors, or air pollutants shall be allowed to radiate across lot line.
[§ 7A-804, formerly, § 7A-817, amended by Ord. No. 89-1, effective July 21, 1989, and Ord. No. 01-01, effective May 17, 2001, § 7A-804, formerly § 7A-822, amended by Ord. No. 89-1, effective July 21, 1989, Ord. No. 96-3, effective September 19, 1996, and Ord. No. 01-01, effective May 17, 2001, amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007, as amended by Ord. No. 11-06, effective August 4, 2011, amended by Ord. No. 16-10, effective September 8, 2016; amended by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021; amended by Ord. No. 23-05; effective August 31, 2023.]