The following uses shall be regulated within the HR District:
A. Permitted Uses.
1. Public utilities and public safety facilities.
2. Public park and ride and similar transit facilities as accessory uses.
3. Municipal buildings and facilities.
B. Conditional Uses. The following uses shall be conditional in the HR District:
1. Indoor and outdoor Standardbred horseracing facilities, including harness racing track, grandstand, indoor restaurant and beverage services, indoor horse racing novelty sales, tack shop, and existing State-permitted card club, simulcasting, and pari-mutuel betting facilities.
2. Fixed or portable vending of food and beverages, and racing venue novelty sales and services, itemized within the Conditional Use Permit, and located within the secured outdoor apron/lawn area attached to the grandstand and buildings.
3. Pony rides, face painting, minstrels or non-stage musical acts, juggling and similar family-oriented entertainment, permitted in the Conditional Use Permit, and located within the secured outdoor apron/lawn area attached to the grandstand and buildings.
4. Accessory parking, including overnight recreational vehicle parking and related accessory uses and structures.
5. Horse care facilities, including ship-in barns, paddock, and veterinary facilities for boarding, grooming, training, showing and racing horses.
6. Maintenance buildings and facilities.
7. Accessory exterior storage specified in the Conditional Use Permit.
8. Indoor stage music and comedy entertainment and seasonal outdoor stage music entertainment, located within the secured racetrack and outdoor entertainment areas.
9. Water feature, Rainbow Trout fishing within a secure perimeter fence.
10. Seasonal outdoor miniature golf and volleyball facilities, located within the secured racetrack and outdoor entertainment areas.
11. Hotels, motels, banquet and convention facilities as part of a planned unit development (PUD) subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.
C. Interim Uses. The following uses shall be interim uses in the HR District.
1. Periodic portable vending of food, beverages, and racing venue novelty sales and services, itemized in the Interim Use Permit, and located outside of buildings or secured areas within the horse racing facility.
2. Periodic entertainment activities, such as pony rides, face painting, non-stage musical acts, juggling, and similar actives, itemized in the Interim Use Permit, and located outside of buildings or secured areas within the horse racing facility.
3. Periodic non-horse racing, commercial or charitable events, such as arts and crafts shows, flea markets, car and boat shows, animal shows, fundraising events, and similar activities, itemized in the Interim Use Permit, and located outside of buildings or secured areas within the horse racing facility.
4. Periodic fireworks displays, itemized in the Interim Use Permit.
5. Alcoholic beverages, served outside of buildings or secured areas within the horse racing facility as itemized in the Interim Use Permit, provided exclusively through the horse racing facility liquor license.
D. Special Interim Use Permit Procedures. A Special Interim Use Permit may be applied for in the HR District to include a number of interim uses which may occur within a particular year. A Special Interim Use Permit may be applied for according to the public hearing and procedural requirements of Sections 7A-530 through 7A-532 of this Code. A Special Interim Use Permit shall be valid for five years, subject to annual administrative review and renewal. Upon issuance of a Special Interim Use Permit, the City Council may at its discretion allow flexibility in the specific dates for which proposed events may occur, provided proper notice is given to the City. For example, a permit may be authorized for certain activities to occur a certain number of times, but without specified dates, during the annual renewal period. Upon proper notification, the City Administrator may approve authorized activities on specific dates without amending the Special Interim Use Permit or without conducting additional public hearings. Similarly, the City Council may at its discretion expand the types of activities or uses allowed in the Interim Use Permit, provided the City Council finds the proposed additional uses or activities are consistent with the uses identified in subsection C, above.
E. Special Interim Use Permit Criteria. The Special Interim Use Permit applicant shall execute a Special Interim Use Permit Agreement detailing the proposed annual events, including but not limited to, requirements for:
1. Site plans for each event subject to City Administrator approval.
2. Notification requirements and procedures for individual special events.
3. Sufficient security, parking and traffic control.
4. Plans for Site restoration and surrounding Site cleanup to be completed within 36 hours of the conclusion of each event.
5. Food Service is provided in accordance with permits and requirements under City, County and State regulations.
6. City Building Inspection of tents and temporary structures, as necessary, for each event.
7. Necessary limits on any amplified music regarding both level of noise and time of day.
8. Compliance with City and State laws on alcoholic beverage licenses and permits.
[§ 7A-711, added by Ord. No. 02-01, effective May 17, 2002, amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007; amended by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021.]