All license applications which require action by the City Council and all license suspensions or revocations shall be governed by the following procedures:
   A.   An applicant or a license holder is entitled to proper notice and a fair hearing prior to the decision on an application for a license and prior to consideration of renewal, transfer, revocation, or suspension of a license.
   B.   The City Council shall issue and publish before the hearing a notice which specifies the time and place of the hearing, a reasonably definite statement of the license sought or the charges alleged against the licensee, a short, precise statement of the facts of the licensing matter, and a statement that the licensee or applicant has the right to be present and to be represented by counsel.
   C.   The hearing shall be held before the City Council, although the City Council may refer an initial hearing to the Planning Commission for its recommendation to the City Council.
   D.   The applicant or licensee shall have the right to cross examine witnesses who testify against the applicant or licensee, and the applicant or licensee shall have the right to produce witnesses in his or her behalf.
   E.   The City Council shall give full consideration and a fair determination of the matter according to the evidence heard before the Planning Commission or the City Council.
   F.   A recording or a verbatim transcript of the hearing or hearings shall be made and kept by the City Clerk or by a Court Reporter.
   G.   The City Council shall have the discretion and the power to suspend the license or permit pending a final determination after a full hearing by the City Council.
[§ 4-109 amended by Ord. No. 07-02, effective March 1, 2007.]