The following uses shall be conditional:
   A.   Gasoline sales and related convenience retail sales and accessory car wash.
   B.   Vehicle Travel Center and indoor vehicle repair.
   C.   Indoor RV and truck wash facility.
   D.   Indoor Sales and storage of retail goods to consumers, such as groceries, alcohol, clothing, household goods, medical, electronics, sporting goods, and similar uses, excluding pawn shops.
   E.   Pharmacy and accessory drive thru.
   F.   Licensed childcare.
   G.   Restaurant or coffee shop, including accessory drive thru.
   H.   Catering service.
   I.   Bakeries with primarily direct retail sales to consumers.
   J.   Boutique/gift shop.
   K.   Family movie theaters.
   L.   Indoor commercial recreation.
   M.   Hotel/motel.
   N.   Event center.
   O.   Professional offices and financial institutions.
   P.   Corporate campus/professional office campus
   Q.   Medical clinics, hospitals and support facilities.
   R.   Beer production with on-site sales.
   S.   Alcohol distillery with on-site sales.
   T.   Dry cleaners, hair salons, photography studio, and other on-premises business services.
   U.   Yoga and small fitness centers, wellness center, dance studios, and similar uses.
   V.   Indoor shooting range, sales, and service.
   W.   Indoor scooter, motorcycle, 4-wheeler and similar personal recreational vehicle sales and accessory service.
[§ 7A-693, added by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021.]