The Interim Uses listed in this Section may be permitted in the RR District with an Interim Use Permit granted by the City Council after a public hearing as required by Minn. Stat. § 462.3597 if the City Council finds that the Interim Use meets the standards set forth in Minn. Stat. § 462.3597, subd. 2. Interim Use Permits shall be valid for a term of up to five (5) years. Interim use permits for communications towers and antenna may be approved for up to an additional twenty (20) years for a total term of up to twenty-five (25) years. The City Council may place such conditions on the Interim Use Permit as are necessary to prevent harmful effects from the Interim Use upon the City and its residents. The City Council may provide as a condition that the Interim Use Permit shall be reviewed if it is the cause of a specified number of substantiated complaints within a specified time period. Compliance with the applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations shall be a condition of all Interim Use Permits. The term of Interim Use Permits granted under this Section shall be a condition of the permit.
A. Dog kennels.
B. Residential Zone Businesses legally operating as of November 1, 2023, subject to ongoing compliance with their respective IUP conditions of approval, may continue until November 1, 2023 at which time such business shall transition to a Home Occupation or terminate operations within the Rural Residential District.
C. Expansion of existing antennae towers.
D. Amateur service communications (i.e. ham radios), provided such communications and any equipment associated therewith, comply with all applicable local, State, and federal laws, rules and regulations. In addition, any tower and/or antenna associated with such Amateur service communications shall be limited to a total height of 100 feet above ground level and shall be subject to a setback from all setback Lines (as defined in this Chapter 7A) equal to the total height of the tower and/or antenna above ground level. The City Council may consider a reduced setback requirement if it is provided with a report from a certified structural engineer specifying that the proposed tower and/or antenna are designed to collapse in such a manner that the required setback is not necessary to avoid hazards to adjoining properties.
E. Animals on Lots less than five (5) acres provided the housing of any animals shall comply with the standards set forth in this code and any other ordinances applicable to keeping such animals and provided, further, that the keeping of such animals does not threaten the health or safety of the residents of the City or otherwise create a public nuisance pursuant to Chapter 5 of the City Code.
F. Communications towers located on government-owned property, subject to the requirements and performance standards for the location, construction and use of communications towers and antenna.
G. Seasonal outdoor holiday exhibition and assembly, according to Chapter 4 and Chapter 7A of this Code.
H. Temporary family care dwelling unit.
I. Mineral extraction.
[§ 7A-614, added by Ord. No. 21-09, effective December 8, 2021; amended by Ord. No. 23-09, effective November 2, 2023.]