13.04.120 Notice to repair defective sidewalk, curb or gutter.
   A.   An owner or the agent of any real estate within the city within thirty days after receiving a written or printed  notice of a defect in the concrete or stone sidewalk or the curb or gutter adjoining such real estate shall cause to be repaired such defective sidewalk or curb or gutter to the approval of the city engineer.
   B.   Whoever, being the owner or the agent of any owner of any real estate in the city, along which is a concrete or stone sidewalk or curb or gutter, shall suffer or permit the said sidewalk or curb or gutter to become and remain defective or out of repair, by reason of the same being broken, insufficiently drained, raised or lowered from grade, uneven not level, or by reason of part being higher or lower than any adjoining part, to the extent of one inch or more, upon being given thirty days written notice thereof by the board of public works and safety, shall be liable and assessed the apportioned cost of such improvement in the proportion of the lineal front footage for the entire length of the improvement. (Ord. 90-54 § 1 (part), 1990; prior code § 27-53)