8.12.090 Notice of violation.
   Under I.C. 36-8-17-9, an order of enforcement of the Indiana General Administrative Rules, Indiana Fire Code. Indiana Building Code. Indiana Mechanical Code, Indiana Fuel Gas Code, this Fire Prevention Ordinance, or any other rule of the Commission, which is within the jurisdiction of the Fire Chief, or his/her designee, may seek the correction of any violation or the elimination of any hazardous condition by the methods specified in this code or by any other appropriate remedy or procedure provided by law. The failure of the lire Department to inspect or to issue a Notice of Violation or order in accordance with this Ordinance shall not constitute approval of any violation or non- compliance. Any Notice of Violation or order issued pursuant to this section shall be conveyed upon the owner, operator, occupant, or other person responsible for the building or property. Conveyance of such order shall be by one of the following methods: Personal service (by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place at the entrance of said building or premises), by mailing a copy thereof to such responsible person by first-class mail to his or her last known address, by fax. or electronic mail pursuant to I.C. 4-21.5-3. (Ord. 2-2019, 2019)