5.16.010 Scope and applicability.
   This chapter governs the regulation of rates for basic service and equipment within the city for any franchisee which has been notified that: (a) the city has been certified to regulate its basic service and equipment rates; and (b) the city has adopted regulations governing regulation of basic service and equipment rates. The provisions set forth below are intended to be consistent with all Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations governing the regulation of basic service rates and equipment, and the city will regulate and interpret its rules so that they are consistent with FCC regulations, as if those regulations were set forth in full herein; a cable franchisee is prohibited from engaging in any activity it is prohibited from engaging in under FCC rules, as if those rules were set forth in full herein. For purposes of these provisions, the term "basic service" or "basic cable service" has the same meaning as the term "basic service" at 47 C.F.R. Sec. 76.901; the term "equipment" refers to all equipment and services subject to regulation under 47 C.F.R. Sec. 76.923; and the term "telecommunication commission" refers to the Bartholomew/Columbus telecommunication commission established by Ordinance No. 2998 and as thereafter amended, the term "city council" refers to the common council of the city of Columbus, and the term "city clerk-treasurer" refers to the clerk-treasurer of the city of Columbus. (Ord. 93-44 § 1, 1993)