3.08.040 Capital improvements committee.
   A.   Established. A capital improvement committee is established to assist in the formulation, adoption and execution of a capital improvements program and budget for the city.
   B.   Membership. The capital improvements committee shall consist of six members as follows:
   1.   The mayor;
   2.   The city controller;
   3.   Four members of the common council.
   C.   Responsibilities. The capital improvements committee shall annually prepare a recommended five-year capital improvements program. The committee shall also issue annually, in January, a status report on capital improvement projects included in the capital budget for the current year.
   In fulfillment of these responsibilities the committee shall:
   1.   Review, evaluate and prioritize each of the project proposals;
   2.   Schedule the projects according to priority and the availability of funds.
   D.   Plan Commission Review. The long range implications of the program and its effect on the comprehensive plan should be reviewed by the plan commission. (Ord. 33-2023, 2023; Prior code § 2-65)