3.08.030 Submission--Adoption--Expenditures.
   A.   A recommended capital budget shall be submitted by the mayor to the common council as an addendum to the annual city budget. The budget shall include a brief description of the proposed projects, costs and identify the fund or funds from which moneys will be appropriated for each project. Proposed appropriations for the projects included in the capital budget which are to be funded in part or wholly by general fund moneys shall be included in the board of public works and safety budget only.
   B.   The common council shall, after fixing the annual budget, tax rate and levy, identify those capital improvement project sources of funds for which moneys have been appropriated. These projects shall collectively comprise the capital budget.
   C.   Moneys shall be expended only for capital improvement projects that are:
   1.   A part of the capital budget approved by the common council; or
   2.   Specifically authorized by the common council by amending the adopted capital budget. (Prior code § 2-64)