1341.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to establish regulations controlling the use of fences, hedges, and walls whereby the lot owner in a residence district may have the privilege of privacy and landscape design within his own lot with due consideration to the environment of his neighbor, the appearance of the community, and the safety of the public and the individual.
(Ord. 2020-01. Passed 3-9-20.)
1341.02 SCOPE.
   This chapter shall apply to all zoning districts. The fence regulations herein shall not apply to any permanent fence erected prior to the effective date of this chapter. But if any permanent fence is replaced, all regulations of this chapter must be followed.
(Ord. 2020-01. Passed 3-9-20.)
   The word "fence" means any structure composed of wood, iron, steel, shrubbery, hedges or other material erected in such a manner and position as to enclose or partially enclose all or any part of any premises. Trellises or other structures supporting or for the purpose of supporting vines, flowers, or other vegetation when erected in such a position as to enclose all or any part of any premises shall be included within the definition of the word "fence". Structures erected in close proximity to lot lines, which have solely an ornamental purpose and which do not in fact serve the purpose of enclosing or partially enclosing premises or of separating premises from adjoining premises, shall not be included within the definition of the word "fence".
   (a)    "Privacy fence" means a fence made to inhibit public view and provide seclusion and closed to light or air.
      (1)    "Basket weave or woven fence": a fence made of interwoven strips or slats of flexible or semi-flexible materials in which the pattern has the appearance of a plaited basket.
      (2)    "Louver or ventilating fence": a fence made of a series of slats placed at an angle or point so as to provide air to deflect light perpendicular to its vertical plane.
   (b)    "Open ornamental fence" means a fence usually made of wood constructed for its beauty or decorative effect and open to light and air. Permitted open ornamental fences are:
      (1)    "Rail or split-rail fence": a fence constructed of narrow, whole or split, wooden timbers placed horizontally between upright supporting posts.
      (2)    "Picket fence": an open fence usually made of upright pales of slats.
   (c)    "Chain link fence" means a fence made of metal consisting of loops or wire interconnected in a series of jointed links.
   (d)    "Barbed wire fence" means a fence made with metal wire having sharp points or barbs along its length.
   (e)    "Stockade (palisade) fence" means a fence constructed with a row of large pointed stakes placed upright against each other.
      (Ord. 2020-01. Passed 3-9-20.)
   Fences shall be permitted in required yards as follows, but in no case shall be constructed closer than ten feet from any neighboring structure unless approved by Council.
   (a)    Open Ornamental Fences shall be permitted in public facilities and all zoning districts.
      (1)    Front yards. Open ornamental fences may be erected in front yards parallel to the building line to a height not exceeding three and one-half feet; provided, however, that rail or split rail fences may be erected in front yards and being a minimum of three feet from common property and/or easements.
      (2)    Side and rear yards. Open ornamental fences may be erected in side and rear yards being at a minimum of three feet from the common property line to a height of not more than six feet, unless both property owners agree then the fence can be erected on the property line.
   (b)    Chain Link Fences shall be permitted in all zoning districts only in rear and side yards. Said fences may be erected at a minimum of three feet from the common property line to a height at a minimum of six feet and not to exceed ten feet above the natural grade.
   (c)    Privacy Fences shall be permitted in all zoning districts only in rear yards. Such fences shall be erected at minimum of three feet and shall not exceed six feet in height above natural grade.
   (d)    Shrubbery or hedges shall be permitted in public facilities and all zoning districts provided they do not encroach upon the abutting property. Responsible owners are to maintain shrubbery and grass on both sides of installation.
   (e)    Barbed wire or stockade (palisade fences) shall be permitted in the industrial zones only in rear and side yards. Said fences may be erected at a minimum of three feet from the common property line to a height not exceeding six feet.
      (Ord. 2020-01. Passed 3-9-20.)