(a)    When a property is found to be in violation(s) of this chapter, the owner and the agent, lessee or tenant in charge of said premises shall be served a notice of said violation(s). The notice shall furthermore advise the owner, agent, lessee or tenant in charge of said premises the time frame to which such owner, agent, lessee or tenant is expected to bring the property into compliance for example, 10 days, 30 days, 90 days. This time frame shall be determined on a case by case basis, to be decided by the Council or the Village Administrator as each case will vary with the extent of the violation(s).
   (b)    If the owner, agent, lessee or tenant in charge of said premises does not comply within the given days provided in the written notice of violation to the order, Council or the Village Administrator may cause said violation to be repaired to bring the said property in compliance. If said violation is an emergency to safety, or presents a health hazard, the Council or Village Administrator shall act immediately to cause said violation to be repaired and shall furthermore prevent access to the area of safety or health hazard concern. Council or the Village Administrator shall cause the cost thereof to be assessed against the land found in violation.
   (c)    Upon the expiration of the agreed upon time frame, and the failure to correct the violation noted on such written order, the owner, agent, lessee or tenant in charge of the premises shall be fined not less than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 2014-06. Passed 9-8-14.)