For the purpose of these regulations the following parking space requirements shall apply:
1.    Single-family or two-family dwelling
Two for each unit
2.    Housing for the elderly
One for each unit
3.    Apartments
Two for each unit
4.    Mobile Home    
Two for each unit
5.    Home Occupations
One additional space
1.    Agricultural Implement Sales and Service
One parking space for every 1,000 sq. ft. of enclosed floor area and one space for every 3,000 sq. ft. open lot area
2.    Air conditioning/heating/plumbing/roofing services, and similar building-related trades    
One parking space for every business vehicle and one parking space for every 300 sq. ft. of floor area
3.    Automotive Service Stations    and/or Repair Garages
One parking space for each employee and two for each service bay with a minimum of six spaces.
4.    Banks, financial institutions and similar uses
One for each 150 sq. ft. of    floor area   
5.    Bowling Alleys
Three spaces for each alley, plus additional space as required for affiliated uses
6.    Funeral parlors, mortuaries and similar type uses
One for each 50 sq. ft. of public floor area plus one for each employee and business vehicle
7.    Hotels, Motels
One for each sleeping rooms plus spaces as required for restaurants, assembly rooms and related facilities
8.    Offices, public or professional administration, or service buildings
One for each 300 sq. ft. of floor area
9.    Restaurants and Taverns:
Carry-out Restaurants
One parking space for every 90 sq. ft. of floor area with a minimum of 15 spaces
Drive-In Restaurants
One parking space for every    30 sq. ft. of floor area with a minimum of 15 spaces
Sit-Down Restaurants/Taverns/Dining Rooms/Nightclubs
One parking space for every 60 sq. ft. of floor area
10.    Retail Stores
One for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area
11.    All other types of business or commercial uses permitted in any commercial district
One for each 150 sq. ft. of floor area
Institutional/Medical/Public or Semi-Public Uses: 
1.    Churches and similar places    of worship
One space for each four seats
2.    Hospitals
One space for each bed
3. Nursing homes/similar establishment   
One space for each two beds
4.    Medical Clinics and Offices    
Three spaces for each examination or treatment room plus one additional for each two employees
5.    Theatres
One space for each four seats
6.    Public Buildings, excluding    schools
One space for each 300 feet of floor area
Schools (Public, Parochial, Private)
1.    Elementary and junior high    schools (public or private)
One parking space for every25 classroom seats, or one parking space for every 4 seats in the main auditorium, whichever is greater
2.    High Schools (public or private)
One parking space for every five students based upon maximum design capacity of the building, or one parking space for every four seats in the main auditorium, whichever is greater
3.    Kindergartens    
Three parking spaces for every 10 children
4.    Nursery Schools and Day Care Centers
Two parking spaces for every 10 children
Industrial and Warehousing
1.    Industrial and manufacturing plants and wholesale establishments
One parking space for every 300 sq. ft. of floor area
2.   Warehouse establishments
One parking space per every 10,000 sq. ft. of floor area; plus one parking space per every two employees on the combined work shifts
(Ord. 1986-2. Passed 2-24-86.)