Land subject to flooding, land with excessive slope and land deemed by the Village of Columbus Grove Planning Commission to be undesirable for development shall not be platted for residential occupancy, nor for such other uses as may involve danger to health, life, or property or to aggravate erosion or flood hazard. Such land shall be set aside for compatible uses.
(Ord. 1991-4. Passed 5-13-91.)
EXAMPLE: As indicated above, the minimum lot size for a single-family house on a lot with an average slope of 28 percent is 26,000 sq. ft. The minimum lot width is 130 feet. The resulting lot depth is 200 feet.
(26,500 = 200)
( 130 )
Hillside Regulations
A “lot slope policy” for an entire hillside adopted by the Planning Commission would be a more appropriate approach to hillside developments than on a lot by lot basis. Such a policy would be a form of “lot size averaging” which would lend itself ideally to planned unit developments allowing for flexibility and economical design. Special consideration would have to be given to the establishing of a basis for improvements, requirements and allowable deviations.
Section 1111.04
Sketch illustrating the use of pads.