(A) Mobile facilities shall have a collection and holding system to hold water and waste material until disposed of as required by § 90.126(E) of this code.
(B) Solid waste shall be placed in waste containers and held until it can be properly disposed of in a garbage or refuse container, with eventual disposal at the city landfill.
(C) Floors of the mobile facility shall be swept and the facility cleaned prior to each relocation of the mobile unit.
(D) Mobile facilities must be designed to be easily cleanable and impervious to moisture.
(E) Mobile facilities, or any part thereof, or any cage, container or receptacle shall be maintained as follows:
(1) In a state of good repair;
(2) In a sanitary condition;
(3) In a well-ventilated condition;
(4) In a clean condition;
(5) Free from offensive odors; and
(6) Free from trash, dirt, filth, manure, excrement or other offensive matter.
(F) Animals shall not be transported in a mobile facility.
(Prior Code, § 90.112) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
All primary enclosures for animals shall conform to the following requirements.
(A) Primary enclosures shall be constructed and maintained in good repair to protect the animals from injury and to contain them.
(B) Primary enclosures shall be constructed and maintained so as to enable the animals to remain dry and clean.
(1) Primary enclosures shall have floors of either solid construction with an impermeable surface or wire mesh with spaces between the wire mesh smaller than the pads of the animals confined therein and of a sufficient thickness to support the weight of each animal without bending.
(2) Primary enclosures must, at all times, provide litter pans, containing litter, for kittens and cats.
(C) Primary enclosures shall be constructed and maintained so as to provide sufficient space to allow each species of animal to turn about freely and to stand, sit and lie in a normal position.
(D) Each animal housed in a primary enclosure shall be provided a minimum square footage of floor space equal to the mathematical square of the sum of the length of the animal in inches as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, plus six inches, expressed in square feet (for example, a dog 30 inches long, plus six inches equals 36 inches, square equals 36 inches by 36 inches, or three feet by three feet equals nine square feet).
(E) Primary enclosures and parts thereof shall be constructed of durable materials capable of being easily and properly cleaned and disinfected.
(F) Primary enclosures in the groom shop must be located in such a way as to:
(1) Provide for maximum comfort and to satisfy known and established needs;
(2) Provide protection from extreme environmental changes;
(3) Prevent undue direct or disturbing physical contact with the general public;
(4) Protect from excessive heat caused by exposure to the sun; and
(5) Be out of drafts.
(Prior Code, § 90.113) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
Animals housed in the same primary enclosure shall be maintained in compatible groups with the following additional restrictions.
(A) Any animal exhibiting a vicious disposition or propensity shall be adequately housed in a separate and secure enclosure sufficient to protect other animals, the general public and employees of the groom shop.
(B) Dogs shall not be housed in the same enclosure with cats, nor shall dogs or cats be housed in the same primary enclosure with any other species of animals.
(Prior Code, § 90.114) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
Each animal shall be observed daily by the animal caretaker in charge, or the caretaker’s representative. Any animal becoming sick or injured shall be provided with proper veterinary care, or the pet owner shall be contacted immediately. Any person operating or employed at a groom shop who observes an animal which the person suspects of being rabid or which has bitten someone shall at once notify the city’s animal control and isolate the animal(s) from contact with other animals or groom shop customers for a period of ten days unless examined and released by written statement of a licensed veterinarian and then only at the discretion of the Director of the animal control. Programs of disease prevention and control shall be established and maintained.
(Prior Code, § 90.115) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998) Penalty, see § 90.999
It shall be the duty of the animal control officer or the officer’s assistants to do the following:
(A) To carry out and enforce all the provisions of this chapter and any amendments thereto, or any ordinance later enacted and relating to animals which are duties of the animal control officer or the officer’s assistants;
(B) At times when the city owns and operates its own animal shelter:
(1) To maintain an animal shelter at some convenient and suitable location, which shelter shall be kept sanitary, properly heated, ventilated and lighted; and
(2) To properly house, feed, water and care for all animals confined in the animal shelter.
(C) At times when the city contracts with a separate entity for animal sheltering services:
(1) To act as liaison between such entity and the city; and
(2) To carry out specific duties as may be laid out in the animal sheltering services contract.
(D) To enforce the licensing of all dogs and cats in the city as herein provided;
(E) To file a complaint against any person violating any provision of this chapter; and
(F) To capture and secure all animals found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter, and to remove the animals in a humane manner to the animal shelter.
(Prior Code, § 90.125) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997; Ord. 02-57, passed 10-21-2002) Penalty, see § 90.999
(A) When an owner of an animal has been notified by any person injured or by someone on the injured person’s behalf that the owner’s animal has injured that person or otherwise has knowledge of the injury, or when any person owning an animal has been notified by an owner of any another animal which has been bitten or attacked by the animal, the owner shall immediately place the attacking animal under the care and observation of the animal control officer or a licensed veterinarian within the city for a period of not less than ten days, with the expense thereof to be borne by the owner of the attacking animal. The failure of the owner to submit the animal within 24 hours after notice of the injury, bite or attack to the animal control officer or a veterinarian within the city constitutes a violation of this section. At the expiration of the period of required observation, it shall be lawful for the animal control officer to destroy any animal whose owner fails to pay all such expenses incident to the impounding for observation and any required treatment.
(B) The animal control officer may also take into custody and impound for observation any animal that has injured, bitten or attacked any person, any animal of a vicious, dangerous, cross or ferocious disposition or any animal that habitually manifests a disposition to bite or endanger the public or other animals. Should any animal so held for observation be examined by a licensed veterinarian and be found by the veterinarian to be suffering from an injury or other infectious disease from which, in the judgment of the veterinarian, recovery is doubtful, or be found to be of such a nature as to endanger the public or other animals generally, the animal control officer shall cause the animal to be destroyed in a humane manner.
(Prior Code, § 90.126) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997) Penalty, see § 90.999