   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL. Any live, vertebrate creature other than human beings.
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. The duly employed or appointed and acting animal control officer. The ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS shall have the power to issue citations to enforce the city’s animal control ordinances.
   BIRD(S). Any feathered vertebrate, including, but not limited to pigeons, but excluding poultry or fowl.
   CAT. Any male or female cat which is a member of the family Felis domestica, which may include Bengal and Savannah breeds both being fourth generation or later.
   COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any commercial business engaged in the business of breeding, buying or selling of animals.
   DOG. Any male or female dog which is a member of the family Canis familiaris, however, this definition shall not include any wolf or wolf-hybrid.
   DOMESTIC ANIMAL. Any of various animals domesticated by people so as to live and breed in a tame condition and shall include, but not be limited to ferrets.
   ENCLOSURE. Any fence, cage, wall or other structure used to confine an animal.
   FOWL. Any poultry, including, but not limited to chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, quail, pheasant, but not including pigeons.
   HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. Any person residing in the permit holder’s residence.
   INOCULATION; VACCINATION FOR RABIES. The inoculation of a dog or cat with a vaccine approved by the state for use in the prevention of rabies.
   KENNEL. The house, buildings, store, yard, enclosure, pen or place where four or more dogs over the age of six months are harbored or kept, or the house, building, store, yard, enclosure, pen or place where four or more weaned female cats are harbored or kept. However, this definition shall not apply to a city animal shelter, animal hospital or boarding place operated by a licensed veterinarian.
   LEASH. A thong, cord, rope or commercially sold restraint.
   LIVESTOCK. Any animal kept or raised for use or pleasure, including, but not limited to cows, sheep, goats, donkeys, mules or horses.
   OWN. Unless otherwise indicated in the text, shall mean to possess, whether by purchase, gift or finding, keep, harbor or have charge, custody or control of an animal.
      (1)   Owner of record as recorded on the city animal license; and
      (2)   Owner of any animal, other than licensable animals, shall mean to own, keep, harbor or have charge, custody or control of an animal or fowl.
   PET. Any animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
   RESIDENCE. The structure used as a domicile by a person or a family.
   RESTRAINT. The securing of any animal by a leash or lead, the physical control of any animal by a responsible person and obedient to that person’s commands or the maintaining of any animal within the real property of its owner.
   SHELTER. Any structure with a roof and walls designed and/or intended to house one or more animals.
   VETERINARY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY. A facility which has the primary function of providing medical care for animals and is operated by a currently licensed veterinarian.
      (1)   Animals ferae naturae which are wild by nature and which, because of habit, mode of life or natural instinct are incapable of being completely domesticated and require the exercise of art, force or skill to keep them in subjection.
      (2)   Examples of WILD OR EXOTIC ANIMALS include, but are not limited to doves, hawks, owls, mink, monkeys, rats, snakes, deer, any cat not a member of the family Felis domestica, including, but not limited to tigers, panthers and lynxes and any dog not a member of the family Canis familiaris, including, but not limited to wolves, foxes and coyotes.
(Prior Code, § 90.001) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997; Ord. 05-11, passed 3-7-2005; Ord. 06-36, passed 12-18-2006; Ord. 07-22, passed 11-19-2007; Ord. 14-07, passed 8-4-2014)
   The city shall provide an animal shelter. It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a person authorized to do so in this chapter, to take up, detain, impound or confine any animal not the property of the person, except where the person does so with the intent to deliver the animal forthwith to the animal control officer or the officer’s assistants as provided in § 90.147 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 90.002) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997) Penalty, see § 90.999
   The city shall have the authority to enter into an agreement with any humane society or any like institution for the purpose of carrying out the provisions for an animal shelter. Should the city enter into such an agreement, the duties of the animal control officer and the other party or parties shall be as specified in the agreement.
(Prior Code, § 90.003) (Ord. 97-16, passed 8-4-1997)
   It shall be unlawful for any person within the city to own a dog or cat over six months of age without procuring a license for the dog or cat as provided under § 90.016 of this code.
(Prior Code, § 90.015) (Ord. 98-24, passed 7-6-1998; Ord. 00-36, passed 11-6-2000) Penalty, see § 90.999