Uniforms, badges and other equipment used by the part-time police officer unit shall be purchased by the city and shall be the property of the city. Upon termination, resignation, or separation, the part-time police officer shall return the equipment to the officer of supply or Police Support Captain. Uniform cleaning will be authorized and regulated by the supply officer or the Police Support Captain.
(Prior Code, § 34.21) (Ord. 23-10, passed 7-17-2023)
All members appointed by the Mayor pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall be deemed to be police officers. The part-time police officer unit shall be deemed to be a part of the police services of the city Police Department and shall be governed by this section. Should any provisions of any police ordinance of the city conflict with this chapter, this chapter shall prevail.
(Prior Code, § 34.22) (Ord. 23-10, passed 7-17-2023)