§ 10.205 LIBRARY.
   No person shall abuse the library services offered by the city by failing to return borrowed books, records or other articles when due, subject to the following provisions:
   (A)   The failure to return overdue articles shall not constitute an offense under this section until a written warning notice has been sent to the indicated address of the library cardholder and ten days have elapsed from the date of mailing of such notice.
   (B)   The parent or legal guardian of any child under the age of 15 years shall be liable under this section for any violations hereunder by said child.
   (C)   Full restitution shall be an absolute defense to this section; to include the return of the borrowed article, or payment of the equivalent value thereof, as determined by library personnel, together with payment of all fines or overdue charges levied through normal library administrative sanctions.
(`77 Code, § 10.205) Penalty, see § 10.401