   3.101   City organization
   3.102   City Manager
   3.103   Employee responsibilities
   3.104   Organization of commissions and boards
   (A)   The city government shall consist of the elective offices established by Charter, the administrative service, and citizen commissions and boards as are hereinafter established by the Council.
   (B)   The administrative service of the city shall be divided into divisions, departments, and offices as are hereinafter established by the Council. The City Manager shall have overall control and responsibility for the administration of all divisions and departments of the administrative service, except as is otherwise provided by the Charter and ordinances of the city.
   (C)   (1)   The appointive citizens' commissions and boards shall serve as a liaison between the Council and the administrative service to provide advice and guidance concerning government operations.
      (2)   Where prescribed by the laws of the State of Minnesota, or by an ordinance of the city, a commission or board shall have the authority to conduct public hearings and make findings and recommendations thereon, and to conduct such further activities as are determined appropriate.
(`77 Code, § 3.101)
   (A)   For effective management of administrative functions and operations, the Manager shall:
      (1)   Prescribe administrative rules and regulations essential to the accomplishment of the services desired by the Council;
      (2)   Maintain the efficiency and economy of city operations entrusted to the administrative service, and determine the methods, means, and personnel by which such operations are to be conducted;
      (3)   Exercise discretion in the operation of the administrative service, the budget, administrative organization, assignment of personnel, and the technology of work performance, as may be allowed by law;
      (4)   Take all necessary action to carry out the objectives of the Council in an emergency situation, as may be allowed by law.
   (B)   The Manager shall hire, promote, transfer, assign or retain employees, and may suspend, demote, dismiss or take other disciplinary action against employees, subject to the provisions of division (C) of this section. He may relieve employees of duties because of a lack of work or lack of funds.
   (C)   The Manager shall not exercise any of his powers under this section in a manner that is inconsistent with M.S. Chapters 197, 419 or 420, as they may be amended from time to time, or contrary to the provisions of the Charter, ordinances, resolutions, or personnel policies of the city.
   (D)   The Manager shall prepare and supervise the operation of the budget according to the provisions of the Charter. He shall act as chief purchasing agent for the city as provided by Charter and M.S. § 471.345 (Uniform Municipal Contracting Law), as it may be amended from time to time. The Manager shall act as chief purchasing agent of the city and make all purchases and contracts subject to the approval of the Council as may be prescribed by City Charter. The Manager shall manage the capital assets of the city.
   (E)   Nothing contained herein shall be construed as prohibiting division heads or department heads from establishing additional work rules and procedures, consistent with enactments of the Council and rules promulgated by the Manager.
   (F)   The City Manager is authorized to issue a citation in lieu of arrest or continued detention to persons violating the following sections of this code, to wit:
      (1)   Chapter 5, Commercial Licensing.
      (2)   Chapter 8, Article II, Public Nuisances.
      (3)   Chapter 5A, Housing Maintenance Code.
      (4)   Chapter 8, Article III, Garbage and Rubbish.
      (5)   Chapter 8, Article V, Public Safety.
      (6)   Section10.204, Depositing of Snow, Leaves or Grass in Traveled Areas.
      (7)   Chapter 9, Article I, Zoning Code.
(`77 Code, § 3.102) (Am. Ord. 1193, passed 11-27-89; Am. Ord. 1195, passed 11-27-89; Am. Ord. 1196, passed 11-27-89)
   (A)   Division heads and other officers shall be responsible to the Manager for the effective administration of their respective divisions or departments, and for performance of all tasks delegated to them by the Manager. Division heads and other officers shall submit reports of departmental activities and plans as required by the Manager. Division heads shall establish and maintain a system of records in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper administrative and budgetary control of departmental activities.
   (B)   Division heads and other officers whose functions include recommending, preparing plans for, or constructing public works shall, at least three months before the end of each fiscal year, submit to the Planning and Zoning Commission a list of the proposed public works projects recommended by such officer or department head for planning, initiation or construction during the ensuing fiscal year.
   (C)   Division heads, officers, and employees of the city shall be responsible for the performance of all duties and functions assigned or delegated to their office or employment position, including appropriate enforcement of the laws of the State of Minnesota and ordinances of the city.
(`77 Code, § 3.103)
   (A)   Members of advisory commissions and boards shall be appointed by majority vote of the Council and serve without compensation, except as otherwise provided.
      (1)   All commission and board members serving in office at the time of enactment of this code shall continue for their full term of office pursuant to the provisions of the previous enactments of the Council establishing said terms. Subsequent terms of office shall commence in April, except where otherwise provided.
      (2)   Any vacancy arising because of disqualification, resignation, or other reason, prior to the expiration of a term of office, shall be filled by appointment of the Council for the remainder of the unexpired term.
      (3)   All commission and board members shall serve for the prescribed terms of office at the pleasure of the Council. Should a member's term expire without the Council having appointed a successor, such member may remain in office until such time as a successor is appointed.
   (B)   Each commission or board shall annually elect a Chairperson from among the appointed members. A secretary and such additional officers may be designated as are appropriate. Rules and procedures for the conduct of meetings shall be formulated.
      (1)   A simple majority shall constitute a quorum. Ex officio members shall not be considered in determining whether a quorum exists, and shall not be entitled to vote.
      (2)   Minutes and records of meetings and public hearings shall be made and copies forwarded to the Council, Mayor and the Manager.
   (C)   The Manager may, and upon direction of the Council shall, designate a member of the administrative service to serve as an administrative advisor to any commission or board.
(`77 Code, § 3.104) (Am. Ord. 987, passed 1-25-82)