§ 2.101 ELECTIONS.
   (A)   The municipal election day for the city shall be the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of every even-numbered year.
   (B)   Persons who are elected to municipal offices on that date shall assume the duties at the time of the first regularly scheduled Council meeting in January following a regular municipal election.
   (C)   The four-year term of office for Council members shall be staggered so that the offices of no more than two Council members will be on the ballot for each municipal election. Provided, however, that if a vacancy exists on the Council, the city shall forthwith appoint an eligible person to fill the same until the next regular municipal election, when the office shall be filled for the unexpired term, and that such office may be on the ballot in addition to the two offices provided for herein.
   (D)   The primary election date shall be held on the date established by Minnesota state law.
   (E)   Elected officials shall be considered “employees” for worker's compensation purposes.
(`77 Code, § 2.101) (Am. Ord. 1214, passed 12-26-90; Am. Ord. 1260, passed 3-8-93; Am. Ord. 1580, passed 4-26-10)