(A)   If any person shall willfully and maliciously disturb, either by day or night, the peace and quiet of any neighborhood, family or person by loud or unusual noise, or by abusive, violent or obscene or profane language, whether addressed to the party so disturbed or some other person, or by threatening to fight, quarreling or challenging to fight or fighting, he or she shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than $300, and/or be imprisoned in the County Jail for a period of time not to exceed three months.
   (B)   If any person shall make use of any profane, violent, vulgar, abusive or insulting language toward or about any other person in his or her presence or hearing, which language in its common acceptance is calculated to arouse to anger the person about or to whom it is spoken or addressed, or to cause a breach of the peace, he or she shall deemed guilty of a breach of the peace, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200, and/or imprisoned in the County Jail not more than 30 days.
(Ord. 2001.47, passed 12-10-2001)