§ 32.142 GOALS.
   The goals of the CCAC are to:
   (A)   Promote diverse expressions of the arts throughout each calendar year;
   (B)   Incorporate the community's history and future into public art;
   (C)   Expand tourism, economic development, and engagement opportunities;
   (D)   Collaborate with public, private, and non-profit entities to increase access to the arts;
   (E)   Celebrate the arts through public displays, events, and installations;
   (F)   Provide general guidelines for public art to organizations, businesses, and artists;
   (G)   Enhance gateways, corridors, and community identity;
   (H)   Develop and provide a public arts plan for the city; and
   (I)   Pursue funding opportunities for expansion of the arts.
(Ord. 2022-24, passed 8-23-2022)